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  • Saurabh Kumar's avatar
    Clean test files from disk after test are finished (#4070) · b599748d
    Saurabh Kumar authored
    There might be a better way to do in each of the test iteslf
    but consider this a temporary fix, right now test generate a huge number
    of files that are left as it is after the tests are finished.
    This PR updates the test file names to be more consistent and then
    deletes them based on generated file name pattern
    Clean test files from disk after test are finished (#4070)
    Saurabh Kumar authored
    There might be a better way to do in each of the test iteslf
    but consider this a temporary fix, right now test generate a huge number
    of files that are left as it is after the tests are finished.
    This PR updates the test file names to be more consistent and then
    deletes them based on generated file name pattern
Makefile 3.69 KiB
JS_VENDOR_DIR = ./hypha/static_src/javascript/vendor
CSS_VENDOR_DIR = ./hypha/static_src/javascript/vendor
JS_ESM_DIR = ./hypha/static_src/javascript/esm

.PHONY: help
	@echo "Usage:"
	@echo "  make help               prints this help."
	@echo "  make build              build js and css resources for development"
	@echo "  make cov-html           generate html coverage report"
	@echo "  make lint               run css, js and python linting."
	@echo "  make fmt                run code formatters on all code."
	@echo "  make lint-fix           try fixing plausible python linting issues."
	@echo "  make py-test            run all python tests and display coverage"
	@echo "  make test               run linting and test and generate html coverage report"
	@echo "  make serve-docs         run documentation development server"
	@echo "  make serve-django       run Django development server on port 9001."
	@echo "  make serve              run Django and docs preview server, also watch and compile frontend changes"
	@echo "  make watch              watch js and css resources for development"
	@echo "  make download-esm-modules  download esm modules from npm and copy to static_src"
	@echo "  make clean-test-files  remove test files during test"

.PHONY: serve
	$(MAKE) -j3 watch serve-django serve-docs

.PHONY: build
	@echo "Build js and css resources for development."
	npm run dev:build

.PHONY: fmt
	@echo "run code formatters on all code."
	python -m ruff check --fix .
	python -m ruff format .
	npx prettier . --write
	djhtml hypha/

.PHONY: cov-html
ifneq ("$(wildcard .coverage)","")
	@rm -rf htmlcov
	@echo "Generate html coverage report…"
	coverage html
	@echo "Open 'htmlcov/index.html' in your browser to see the report."
	$(error Unable to generate html coverage report, please run 'make test' or 'make py-test')

.PHONY: lint
	@echo "Checking python code style with ruff"
	ruff check .
	ruff format --check .
	@echo "Checking html file indendation."
	djhtml hypha/ --check
	@echo "Checking js and css code style."
	npm run lint

.PHONY: lint-fix
	@echo "Try fixing plausible python linting issues."
	ruff check --fix .

.PHONY: py-test
	@echo "Running python tests"
	pytest --reuse-db --cov --cov-report term:skip-covered

.PHONY: serve-django
	python runserver$(DJANGO_PORT)

.PHONY: clean-test-files
	@echo "Removing test files generated during test"
	find media/ -iname 'test_*.pdf' -delete
	find media/ -iname 'test_image*' -delete
	find media/ -iname '*.dat' -delete
	find media/ -type d -empty -delete
	rm -rf media/temp_uploads/*

.PHONY: test
test: lint py-test cov-html clean-test-files

.PHONY: serve-docs
	@echo "Serve and watch documentation locally:"
	mkdocs serve

.PHONY: watch
	@echo "Watch js and css resources for development."
	npm run watch

.PHONY: download-esm-modules
	pip install download-esm
	download-esm @github/relative-time-element $(JS_ESM_DIR)
	download-esm @github/filter-input-element $(JS_ESM_DIR)
	download-esm choices.js $(JS_ESM_DIR)

.PHONY: copy-npm-scripts
	# Used by "npm install"
	cp node_modules/ $(JS_VENDOR_DIR)/htmx.min.js
	cp node_modules/ $(JS_VENDOR_DIR)/htmx-ext-multi-swap.min.js
	cp node_modules/alpinejs/dist/cdn.min.js $(JS_VENDOR_DIR)/alpine.min.js
	cp node_modules/@alpinejs/focus/dist/cdn.min.js $(JS_VENDOR_DIR)/alpine-focus.min.js
	cp node_modules/daterangepicker/moment.min.js $(JS_VENDOR_DIR)/moment.min.js
	cp node_modules/daterangepicker/daterangepicker.js $(JS_VENDOR_DIR)/daterangepicker.min.js