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Created with Raphaël 2.2.012Feb15Jan147Dec43debugging docker filemainmainmake sure docker can read requirements from contextcompose context from runner envwhat happens if we leave context implicit?debugging contextdebugging contexttry kaniko build with normal contexttry end-to-end test with basic python serverdebugging pipeline - okay, no explicit entrypointdebugging pipeline - trying explicit entrypoints for kanikoupdate pipeline to push to DO registry with kanikotemporarily comment out application building for ci/artifact testingEdit artifacts statement to preserve imagegetting closer to finding build contexttrying to find where git repo is cloned into kaniko image as build contextdebugging kaniko build with git repo build contextUpdate .gitlab-ci.yml fileUpdate .gitlab-ci.yml fileUpdate .gitlab-ci.yml fileUpdate .gitlab-ci.yml fileUpdate .gitlab-ci.yml fileUpdate .gitlab-ci.ymlUpdate .gitlab-ci.yml fileUpdate .gitlab-ci.yml fileadd ci stagesUpdate .gitlab-ci.yml filebreak CI into build and push stages, use doctl container to push containerfix commenting syntax comment out material irrelevant to CI testinghardcode pathsadd dir for dockerfilespecify no-push so kaniko doesn't throw an errorComment out destination, just build the filecommitmecommitmeRewrite to use Kaniko. edit pipeline to test buildah without pushing to registryUpdate .gitlab-ci.yml file per commit