# manager]( that allows passwords to
# back up to an svn repository instead of a git repository. This
# extension does that by using git-svn.
# ## Install
# If you are on Debian, the easiest install path is:
# Then install the latest .deb from
# [GitHub]( After
# that, proceed to "Setting Up Your Environment", below
# If you are not on Debian, install `pass` version 1.7 or later from
# your system's package repositories or from [its git
# repository]( Then put an
# executable copy of the `git-svn.bash` script in
# /usr/lib/password-store/extensions. You can get a copy of this
# extension via git:
# git clone
# ## Setting Up Your Environment
# Tell `pass` where to find extensions:
# export PASSWORD_STORE_EXTENSIONS_DIR=/usr/lib/password-store/extensions
# Tell `pass` to use extensions:
# ## Using pass-git-svn
# You can use pass as you normally would. It's in-built git routines
# will keep checking in your local changes. When it's time to sync
# with your svn server, use `pass git-svn fetch` and `pass git-svn
# rebase` to pull down changes. Then, use `pass git-svn dcommit` to
# send your changes up to the svn server.
# ## Cloning A Password Repository
# pass git-svn clone ~/.password-store
# ## Authorizing new people to read/write to the password store
# Just add them to .gpg-id. This works on a per-directory basis, so you
# can restrict people by leaving them out of that file. TODO: verify
# that lots of people in a parent dir is effectively restricted by fewer
# people in the subdir .gpg-id.
# Note that adding somebody to the .gpg-id does not actually
# re-encrypt all the files in that directory with that person's key.
# Same with removing a person. TODO: investigate whether the init
# command can be used to handle this. Or else script opening and
# saving all the files to update the list of keys that will decrypt
# them.
# ## Security
# If you have a group of people sharing a repository, be aware that if
# any of them can change `.gpg-id` files in the tree, they can
# potentially add themselves to a `.gpg-id` file in a directory whose
# passwords they should not have access to.
# While this would not automatically grant them the ability to read
# password files that they couldn't read before (since they wouldn't be
# able to decrypt an existing file in order to re-encrypt it with a new
# list of keys that now includes their key), there is still the
# possibility that the next fully-authorized person who comes along and
# re-encrypts a file would then accidentally include the new key.
# You might want to manage your repository to prevent this from
# happening. You could do that through authz, or through server-side
# pre-commit hooks.
# This extension depends on
# [git-svn]( and pass being present
# on the system.
# If you already have pass running with another configuration, you can add
# alias workpass='PASSWORD_STORE_ENABLE_EXTENSIONS=true PASSWORD_STORE_DIR=~/.work-password-store pass'
# This will let you do `workpass git-svn fetch` to sync your work
# passwords and keep them separate from your usual ~/.password-store.
# You can continue to access your non-work passwords with `pass`. You
# can also use symlinks to access your work passwords from your
# non-work password store. You'll still need to workpass for git-svn
# commands, though.
# ## Contributing
# Please file bug reports and issue patch requests in the GitHub
# This extension is based on some code found in from
# the [standard linux password
# manager]( That code is licensed
# under GPLv2+. This extension is copyright 2017-2020 James Vasile
# <> and is released under the terms of
# the [GNU General Public License, Version
# 3]( or later.
# ## Documentation
# This extension will display documentation if run directly as a bash
# script or as an extension if you do `pass git-svn` or `pass git-svn help`
if [[ "$0" == ${BASH_SOURCE[0]} || $1 == "help" || -z "$1" ]]; then
tail -n +3 ${BASH_SOURCE[0]} | sed "s/^\#\# //" | grep ^\# | sed "s/\#\#\#\#\#\#\#\#\#\#*//" | sed "s/. \?//"
set_git "$PREFIX/"
if [[ $1 == "clone" ]]; then
pushd "$INNER_GIT_DIR" > /dev/null
[[ -e .gpg-id ]] && mv .gpg-id /tmp/.gpg-id.orig
touch .gitignore
grep -q .gitattributes .gitignore || echo .gitattributes >> .gitignore
grep -q .gitignore .gitignore || echo .gitignore >> .gitignore
grep -q .extensions .gitignore || echo .extensions >> .gitignore
git svn clone "$1" . || exit 1
[[ -e /tmp/.gpg-id.orig ]] && cat /tmp/.gpg-id.orig >> .gpg-id
sort -u .gpg-id -o .gpg-id
popd > /dev/null
git_add_file "$PREFIX" "Add current contents of password store."
echo '*.gpg diff=gpg' > "$PREFIX/.gitattributes"
git_add_file .gitattributes "Configure git repository for gpg file diff."
git -C "$INNER_GIT_DIR" config --local diff.gpg.binary true
git -C "$INNER_GIT_DIR" config --local diff.gpg.textconv "$GPG -d ${GPG_OPTS[*]}"
elif [[ -n $INNER_GIT_DIR ]]; then
pushd $INNER_GIT_DIR > /dev/null
tmpdir nowarn #Defines $SECURE_TMPDIR. We don't warn, because at most, this only copies encrypted files.
git svn "$@"
popd > /dev/null
die "Error: the password store is not a git-svn repository. Try \"$PROGRAM git-svn init\"."