for technical details of each role's access permissions.
This section will always hold the canonical list of groups and their
meanings. For historical background, see
[issue #62]( and
the [2020-03-17 meeting notes](
Each of these user groups needs to be set up in torque configuration
in order to view data. In the case of group information coming from
@@ -135,77 +144,6 @@ the special logout instructions here will no longer be needed.)
### User Groups
We use the same authorization groups across competitions whenever
possible, since access patterns tend to be the same. The roles we've
settled on are listed below (the "LFC" prefix helps MacFound IT track
for technical details of each role's access permissions.
-**`LFC Evaluators`**
Someone who works with LFC to evaluate the proposals (or some subset
of proposals) in a competition. A typical configuration would be
that they don't have edit ability but can make comments; they don't
necessarily see all fields or all attachments; and they might get
anonymized or pseudonymized versions of certain things (e.g.,
comments, attachments).
Most LFC Evaluators aren't employees of LFC; they're from
third-party organizations helping with evaluation. However, there
is no reason in principle why one couldn't be an employee of LFC.
-**`LFC Research Partners`**
Basically the same as "LFC Evaluators", but their purpose is to use
the proposals as input to some larger analytic goal. This can
sometimes result in them having slightly different permissions,
which is why they are a distinct group.
-**`LFC Staff`**
People who work at LFC and can see & edit basically everything about
a proposal.
-**`LFC Admins`**
Like "LFC Staff", but in addition can perform administrative tasks
such as viewing logs, creating new users, etc. (Note: There is a
legacy group **`LFC Torque Admin`** maintained by MacFound IT. It
is [entirely coincident](
with "LFC Admins". Some day we should vet all of MacFound IT's
groups and make sure they match this list, but for now, just know
that these two groups have the same meaning.)
-**`LFC Decision Makers`**
People who make decisions about the fate of proposals. Typically,
this is a Board Member or other senior decision-maker at the donor
The Torque interface is optimized to show decision support features
to LFC DecisionMakers: e.g., finalist selection, voting, being able
to see all scores and reviewer comments, etc.
Furthermore, the interface takes care to avoid showing them things
that might distract from decision support, such as administrative
links, edit links, etc.
-**`LFC Pseudo Decision Makers`**
This is just a group for staff to use when they need to test how
things look for "LCF Decision Makers".
-**`LFC Robots`**
Automated bots and processes get this group when they log in.
This section will always hold the canonical list of groups and their
meanings. For historical background, see
[issue #62]( and
the [2020-03-17 meeting notes](
### Granting API access
API access is currently grated on a per-competition basis. API users