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Add MediaWiki authentication to node

Frank Duncan requested to merge 11-node-auth into main

Created by: slifty

This PR sets the stage for moving MediaWiki authentication logic out of shell and into the mw2pdf code base. Specifically, it introduces a new MediaWikiSession module which will allow us to separate the auth + rendering of a given page from the collation logic.

This also begins to refactor the code base a bit, moving us to node modules and starting to add some directory structure for code organization.

The new code is not integrated / run by a calling agent, but I confirmed it works by running the following in a sandbox.js file (node sandbox.js) against an instance of torque-devenv.

import { MediaWikiSession } from './classes/MediaWikiSession.js'

async function x() {
  const session = new MediaWikiSession()
  const apiUrl = ''
  await session.authenticate('admin', 'admin_password', apiUrl)
  await session.generatePdf('')


Merge request reports