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  • Wes Appler's avatar
    Documentation overhaul - Fixing formatting issues, autodoc implementation, and... · 689294ee
    Wes Appler authored
    Documentation overhaul - Fixing formatting issues, autodoc implementation, and added variables for versions. (#3734)
    Closes #3639. 
    This is a bit of an overhaul of the docs to make them more
    easy to utilize. This changes include:
    - Removal of overhanging public aspects of the documentation
    - Reformatting of terminal commands to allow for easy copy & pasting
    - Updating points of contact
    - Screenshot Updates
    - Automated code API documentation. [Google's docstring
    should be used.
    - Added variables for things like software versions & packages.
    - Unless python & node version are manually specified, when docs are
    built these will be pulled from
    [`.nvmrc`]( &
    - Consolidated the production and development guides into one location
    (both under `Setup` rather than one under `Getting Started` and one
    under `Setup`), and updated them to be similar to one another.
    - Added different steps for getting Hypha development deployed under
    multiple OSs