from collections import Counter
import bleach
from django.core.exceptions import ValidationError
from django.forms.utils import ErrorList
from django.utils.translation import ugettext_lazy as _
from django.utils.text import mark_safe
from wagtail.core.blocks import StaticBlock, StreamValue, StreamBlock
from opentech.apply.stream_forms.blocks import FormFieldBlock, OptionalFormFieldBlock, TextFieldBlock
from opentech.apply.utils.options import RICH_TEXT_WIDGET
def find_duplicates(items):
counted = Counter(items)
duplicates = [
name for name, count in counted.items() if count > 1
return duplicates
def prettify_names(sequence):
return [nice_field_name(item) for item in sequence]
def nice_field_name(name):
return name.title().replace('_', ' ')
class RichTextFieldBlock(TextFieldBlock):
class Meta:
label = _('Rich text field')
icon = 'form'
def get_searchable_content(self, value, data):
return bleach.clean(data or '', tags=[], strip=True)
def no_response(self):
return '<p>No response</p>'
class CustomFormFieldsBlock(StreamBlock):
rich_text = RichTextFieldBlock(group=_('Fields'))
single_blocks = []
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
child_blocks = [(, block(group=_('Required'))) for block in self.required_blocks]
child_blocks += [(, block(group=_('Custom'))) for block in self.single_blocks]
self.required_block_names = [ for block in self.required_blocks]
self.single_block_names = [ for block in self.single_blocks] + self.required_block_names
super().__init__(child_blocks, *args, **kwargs)
def clean(self, value):
value = super().clean(value)
except ValidationError as e:
error_dict = e.params
error_dict = dict()
block_types = [block.block_type for block in value]
missing = set(self.required_block_names) - set(block_types)
duplicates = [
name for name in find_duplicates(block_types)
if name in self.single_block_names
all_errors = list()
if missing:
'You are missing the following required fields: {}'.format(', '.join(prettify_names(missing)))
if duplicates:
'The following fields must be included only once: {}'.format(', '.join(prettify_names(duplicates)))
for i, block_name in enumerate(block_types):
if block_name in duplicates:
self.add_error_to_child(error_dict, i, 'info', 'Duplicate field')
if all_errors or error_dict:
error_dict['__all__'] = all_errors
raise ValidationError('Error', params=error_dict)
return value
def add_error_to_child(self, errors, child_number, field, message):
new_error = ErrorList([message])
errors[child_number].data[0].params[field] = new_error
except KeyError:
errors[child_number] = ErrorList(
[ValidationError('Error', params={field: new_error})]
def to_python(self, value):
This allows historic data to still be accessible even
if a custom field type is removed from the code in the future.
# If the data type is missing, fallback to a CharField
for child_data in value:
if child_data['type'] not in self.child_blocks:
child_data['type'] = 'char'
return StreamValue(self, value, is_lazy=True)
class SingleIncludeStatic(StaticBlock):
"""Helper block which displays additional information about the must include block and
helps display the error in a noticeable way.
def __init__(self, *args, description='', **kwargs):
self.description = description
super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
class Meta:
admin_text = 'Must be included in the form only once.'
def render_form(self, *args, **kwargs):
errors = kwargs.pop('errors')
if errors:
# Pretend the error is a readonly input so that we get nice formatting
# Issue discussed here:
error_message = '<div class="error"><input readonly placeholder="{}"></div>'.format(errors[0])
error_message = ''
form = super().render_form(*args, **kwargs)
form = '<br>'.join([self.description, form]) + error_message
return mark_safe(form)
def deconstruct(self):
return ('wagtail.core.blocks.static_block.StaticBlock', (), {})
class SingleIncludeMixin:
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
info_name = f'{} Field'
child_blocks = [('info', SingleIncludeStatic(label=info_name, description=self.description))]
super().__init__(child_blocks, *args, **kwargs)
class SingleIncludeBlock(SingleIncludeMixin, OptionalFormFieldBlock):
"""A block that is only allowed to be included once in the form, but is optional"""
class MustIncludeFieldBlock(SingleIncludeMixin, FormFieldBlock):
"""Any block inheriting from this will need to be included in the application forms
This data will also be available to query on the submission object
def get_field_kwargs(self, struct_value):
kwargs = super().get_field_kwargs(struct_value)
kwargs['required'] = True
return kwargs