For many years, Aladdin GhostScript implemented a DOSP policy whereby
new versions were published under a proprietary license, and then regularly
@@ -170,7 +136,7 @@ for licenses.
% Rosen also says that sendmail may have had a dual license in the same
% era or even before Ghostscript.
\numberedsection{Bounty and Sponsorship Delays}\label{bounty}
\subsection{Bounty and Sponsorship Delays}\label{bounty}
Another model is making individual software features or enhancements
available to sponsors first, with a fixed time delay before making
@@ -184,7 +150,7 @@ While we fully intend to make the full SLYR plugin open source and freely publis
\numberedsection{The Business Source License (BUSL)}\label{busl}
\subsection{The Business Source License (BUSL)}\label{busl}
The Business Source License (BUSL; sometimes ``BSL"\footnote{Most adopters
of this license refer to it as ``BSL", but
@@ -245,26 +211,9 @@ A: When using dual licensing with GPL, companies must pay for a commercial licen
This is echoed in statements by several BUSL adopters that they sought a way to make downstream commercial users who did not redistribute derived works pay for the use of their software (typically in cloud environments), or wanted to prevent downstream commercial users from directly competing with the initial developer's own service offerings.