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which has a published feature roadmap and releases (and licenses) its
implementation of each feature to sponsors first:
While we fully intend to make the full SLYR plugin open source and freely publish the style/LYR/MXD conversion tools, we also require financial backing in order to support the significant time required to completely reverse engineer these file formats and develop quality tools supporting their use outside of the ESRI software ecosystem. Accordingly, the specifications and file parsing library will initially be closed source and available to SLYR license holders only. Exactly six months after we hit the pledged sponsorship levels for each stage of the project (check the progress below for each stage), we will open-source that component of the code and update the community version of the plugin.
\subsection{The Business Source License (BUSL)}\label{busl}
@@ -255,9 +256,8 @@ grants to specific code and project versions.
One licensing practice often described as related to DOSP is implemented
in the Bootstrap Open Source License (BOSL), previously called the
Transitive Grace Period Public License (TGPPL). This license was mainly
devised by Zooko Wilcox-O'Hearn and implements a strategy previously
proposed by Ted Ts'o.
devised by Zooko Wilcox-O'Hearn.\footnote{It implements a strategy previously
proposed by Ted Ts'o, at \otsurl{}.}
It is worth pointing out that the BOSL has no connection to the Bootstrap
web framework project, which is under the MIT license. Both projects