### The upstream master version of this Makefile lives here:
### A copy of this Makefile will often be included in a document
### source tree, because for people who build documents, it's very
### convenient to just run 'make' or 'make some_document_name.pdf' and
### have the desired thing happen. This Makefile then just forwards
### all the action to the much more sophisticated Makefile found at
### ${OTS_DOCTOOLS_DIR}/Makefile. Therefore, please try not to make
### changes here; instead, put any improvements in the other Makefile.
.PHONY: default check
# The order of the rules below is important; change only with care.
default: check
@make -s -f ${OTS_DOCTOOLS_DIR}/Makefile
%: check
@make -s -f ${OTS_DOCTOOLS_DIR}/Makefile $@
@if [ "${OTS_DOCTOOLS_DIR}X" = "X" ]; then \
echo ""; \
echo "ERROR: Your OTS_DOCTOOLS_DIR env var is not set up yet."; \
echo " Please see this repository for instructions:"; \
echo ""; \
echo ""; \
exit 1; \