* Algorithm This packages implements the Logoot split algorithm ~André, Luc, et al. "Supporting adaptable granularity of changes for massive-scale collaborative editing." 9th IEEE International Conference on Collaborative Computing: Networking, Applications and Worksharing. IEEE, 2013.~ The CRDT-ID blocks are implemented by text property ='crdt-id=. A continous range of text with the same ='crdt-id'= property represent a CRDT-ID block. The ='crdt-id= is a a cons of =(ID-STRING . END-OF-BLOCK-P)=, where =ID-STRING= represent the CRDT-ID of the leftmost character in the block. If =END-OF-BLOCK-P= is =NIL=, the block is a non-rightmost segment splitted from a larger block, so insertion at the right of this block shouldn't be merged into the block by sharing the base CRDT-ID and increasing offset. =ID-STRING= is a unibyte string representing a CRDT-ID (for efficient comparison). Every two bytes represent a big endian encoded integer. For base IDs, last two bytes are always representing site ID. Stored strings are BASE-ID:OFFSETs. So the last two bytes represent offset, and second last two bytes represent site ID. * Session structure =CRDT--SESSION-LIST= is a list of "CRDT status buffer"s. Currently those buffers are always empty, but they have some buffer local variables, which are used as "session variables" that can be accessed from any buffer shared in the same session. For a buffer shared in some session, this buffer always has its buffer local variable =CRDT--STATUS-BUFFER= set to a CRDT status buffer. It can then access any session variables through it. For a network process dedicated to a session, its ='status-buffer= process property is always set to the status buffer for that session. The macro =CRDT--DEFVAR-SESSION= do the chores of defining a buffer local variable for status buffer, and creating a function (together with =SETF= setter) with the same name as the variables, and can be invoked with no argument in any CRDT shared buffer to access or modify that session variable. * Protocol Text-based version (it should be easy to migrate to a binary version. Using text for better debugging for now) Every message takes the form (type . body) type can be: insert delete cursor hello challenge sync desync overlay-(add,move,put,remove) - insert :: body takes the form =(buffer-name crdt-id position-hint content)= - =position-hint= is the buffer position where the operation happens at the site which generates the operation. Then we can play the trick that start search near this position at other sites to speedup CRDT ID search - =content= is the string to be inserted - delete :: body takes the form =(buffer-name position-hint (crdt-id . length)*)= - cursor :: body takes the form =(site-id point-position-hint point-crdt-id mark-position-hint mark-crdt-id)= =*-crdt-id= can be either a CRDT ID, or - =nil=, which means clear the point/mark - =""=, which means =(point-max)= - contact :: body takes the form =(site-id name address port)= when name is =nil=, clear the contact for this =site-id= - focus :: body takes the form =(site-id buffer-name)= - hello :: This message is sent from client to server, when a client connect to the server. body takes the form =(client-name &optional response)= - challenge :: body takes the form =(salt)= - login :: It's always sent after server receives a hello message. Assigns an ID to the client body takes the form =(site-id session-name)=. - sync :: This message is sent from server to client to get it sync to the state on the server. Might be used for error recovery or other optimization in the future. One optimization I have in mind is let server try to merge all CRDT item into a single one and try to synchronize this state to clients at best effort. body takes the form =(buffer-name major-mode content . crdt-id-list)= - =major-mode= is the major mode used at the server site - =content= is the string in the buffer - =crdt-id-list= is generated from =CRDT--DUMP-IDS= - desync :: Indicates that the server has stopped sharing a buffer. body takes the form =(buffer-name)= - overlay-add :: body takes the form #+BEGIN_SRC (buffer-name site-id logical-clock species front-advance rear-advance start-position-hint start-crdt-id end-position-hint end-crdt-id) #+END_SRC - overlay-move :: body takes the form #+BEGIN_SRC (buffer-name site-id logical-clock start-position-hint start-crdt-id end-position-hint end-crdt-id) #+END_SRC - overlay-put :: body takes the form =(buffer-name site-id logical-clock prop value)= - overlay-remove :: body takes the form =(buffer-name site-id logical-clock)=