


%% For angle brackets in non-math text mode.  Use the shortcuts \la
%% and \ra (defined below) in this slightly non-intuitive way:
%% "\la jrandom@example.com\ra"

%% Stuff for colored rules
\definecolor{ltgreen}{RGB}{66, 147, 90}
\definecolor{dkgreen}{RGB}{50, 109, 72}
\definecolor{dkergreen}{RGB}{0, 100, 0}

%% Stuff for logo insertion

% start everything near the top-left corner

%% Handle long tables (e.g., correctly break them across multiple pages).
%% QUESTION: Why is this necessary when invoice.sty in this directory
%% already has "\RequirePackage{longtable}" (as of 2012-06-17)?  Are
%% we not actually using invoice.sty for anything?  Is it just there
%% as an example?  In any case, if we don't pull in 'longtable' here,
%% then generating an OTS invoice will fail with the rather clear
%% message "LaTeX Error: Environment longtable undefined", despite the
%% the \RequirePackage in invoice.sty.

\address{Does it matter what I write here?  It appears not. But don't remove it or the sig block gets left justified?!}
\newcommand{\yrefname}{\textsl{Your ref.}}
\newcommand{\ymailname}{\textsl{Your letter from}}
\newcommand{\myrefname}{\textsl{Our Ref.}}


\newcommand{\yref}[1]{\renewcommand{\@yref}{\yrefname: #1}}
\newcommand{\ymail}[1]{\renewcommand{\@ymail}{\ymailname: #1}}
\newcommand{\myref}[1]{\renewcommand{\@myref}{\myrefname: #1}}
\newcommand{\subject}[1]{\renewcommand{\@subject}{\subjectname: #1}}




\newcommand{\circlesep}{\raisebox{1.7em}{\hspace{1.8em}\includegraphics[clip, trim=0cm 11cm 19.3cm 11cm, scale=0.05]{otslogo.pdf}\hspace{1.8em}}}


      % Uncomment next line for small logo, then do similar ~17 lines below
      {\xviisf   \begin{textblock}{3}(0.5,0.87)\includegraphics[scale=.3]{otslogo.pdf}\end{textblock} }}
      % Uncomment next line for big logo, then do similar ~17 lines below
      %{\xviisf   \begin{textblock}{3}(0,0)\includegraphics[scale=.7]{otslogo.pdf}\end{textblock} }}

\sbox{\firm}{\xsf Open Tech Strategies}

          % TBD: Switch the commenting on the next two lines to
          % generate an invoice with vs without our NY street address.
          % We still need to figure out a letterhead design that won't
          % confuse clients as to where to send payment.  Maybe we
          % could put something like:
          %    New York  *  Chicago  *  info@ots  *  phone number   ?
          % { \textcolor{dkergreen}{ {\viiisf 333 East 102nd Street, \#409, New York, NY 10029 \circlesep opentechstrategies.com \circlesep +1 (312) 857-6361} }}}
          { \textcolor{dkergreen}{ {\viiisf \null \hfill info@opentechstrategies.com \circlesep +1 (312) 857-6361} }}}

%            {\textcolor{dkergreen}{{\viiisf \null \hfill +1 (312) 857-6361\\333 East 102nd St, New York, NY 10029\hfill opentechstrategies.com}}}}}
%            {\xviisf   \begin{textblock}{3}(0.5,0.87)333 East 102nd St, \#409, New York, NY 10029\end{textblock}}
   %\textcolor{dkergreen}{333 East 102nd St, \#409, New York, NY 10029\hspace{5em}opentechstrategies.com\hspace{5em}+1 (312) 857-6361}


                           % {\usebox{\firmfoot}}}%

        \slshape \headtoname{} \toname\hfill\@date\hfill
        \pagename{} \thepage\\


  \vspace*{13mm} %%%% jlv
       {\viiisf \fromname
            {}{\\ {\viiisf\baselineskip10pt \telephonenum}}
            {}{\\ {\viiisf\baselineskip10pt \@internet}}
  \vspace{2\parskip} #1 \par\nobreak}
