# blog.opentechstrategies.com This is OTS's blog backend. It contains: * [Pelican](https://getpelican.com) config * Jinja templates * Blog posts, pages, uploaded media ## Developing And Writing Posts In a terminal, do this: ``` git clone PUT REPO GIT INFO HERE cd PELICAN DIR bin/serve ``` Then add a file to `sites/content/posts`. The site will update and you can view it on [localhost:8000](http://localhost:8000). When you're satisfied with your post, add it to the website: ``` git add PATH/TO/POST git commit -m "Add new post" git push ``` TODO: add instructions for actually taking a post live. Theoretically, they should be able to just rsync it somewhere, but maybe we should check out the repo server-side and then do a `git pull` and `bin/build`. ## Dependencies You will need [Pelican](https://getpelican.com) with the markdown plugin. You can install it with: ``` pip install -r requirements.txt ``` You might have to fiddle with a virtual environment, but that will be specific to your system, so I leave that to you.