#!/usr/bin/env python3 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # # Copyright (C) 2017, 2019, 2020 Open Tech Strategies, LLC # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published # by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU Affero General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License # along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. __doc__ = """\ Compose all of the Lever for Change Racial Equity 2030 Proposal CSV files. Usage: $ compose-and-upload \\ --proposals-csv=PROPOSALS_CSV \\ --admin-review-csv=ADMIN_REVIEW_CSV \\ --attachments-dir=ATTACHMENTS_DIR \\ --tdc-config-dir=TDC_CONFIG_DIR \\ --correction-file=CORRECTION_FILE \\ --pare=PARE \\ --csv-only Command-line options: --proposals-csv FILE FILE is a CSV file representing the bulk of the proposal information --attachments-dir DIR DIR is a directory for compose-csvs to look in for what attachments will be uploaded to the torque wiki. It needs to have subdirectories by proposal number. --admin-review-csv FILE FILE is a CSV file representing which applications in PROPOSALS_CSV should be included, as well as the Organization information --tdc-config-dir DIR DIR is the location for files that are the base configuration files needed by TorqueDataConnect, and can be optionally, manually, put on the torque wiki. We don't automatically do that because we want to overwrite the configuration out there. --correction-file FILE FILE is a csv of corrections to the main data. The header must match the header of the original proposals file, and any one of the columns must contain the review number. Then the data from the correction file will override the source data for output. There can be multiple correction files, and each one overwrites the previous. If the data cells have the empty string, no correction is applied. --peer-to-peer-review FILE FILE is a CSV file with a many to one relationshp between peers and the proposals they evaluated, with the extra data being their evaluation --expert-panel-review FILE FILE is a CSV file with a many to one relationshp between experts and the proposals they evaluated, with the extra data being their evaluation --pare ARG If ARG is a number, reduce the number of items to 1/ARG. If ARG begins with +, then ARG is a comma separated list of keys to include. If ARG begins with @, then ARG is a file with a list of keys to include. For both + and @, the list of keys will be limited to only the ones provided. --csv-only Only upload the created CSV file. Don't upload attachments or create wiki pages. For use to speed up process when wiki has been created already. """ from etl import competition, wiki, toc, tdc import config import getopt import sys import os import csv def main(): """Compose the LFC input and emit it as html-ized csv.""" try: opts, args = getopt.getopt( sys.argv[1:], "", [ "proposals-csv=", "tdc-config-dir=", "admin-review-csv=", "judge-evaluation-csv=", "expert-panel-evaluation-csv=", "application-data=", "financial-sheets-dir=", "attachments-dir=", "correction-file=", "peer-to-peer-review=", "expert-panel-review=", "pare=", "csv-only", ], ) except getopt.GetoptError as err: sys.stderr.write("ERROR: '%s'\n" % err) sys.exit(2) proposals_csv = None admin_review_csv = None attachments_dir = None tdc_config_dir = None correction_file = None peer_to_peer_review_csv = None expert_panel_review_csv = None pare = None csv_only = False for o, a in opts: if o == "--proposals-csv": proposals_csv = a elif o == "--pare": pare = a elif o == "--csv-only": csv_only = True elif o == "--tdc-config-dir": tdc_config_dir = a elif o == "--attachments-dir": attachments_dir = a elif o == "--admin-review-csv": admin_review_csv = a elif o == "--correction-file": correction_file = a elif o == "--peer-to-peer-review": peer_to_peer_review_csv = a elif o == "--expert-panel-review": expert_panel_review_csv = a else: sys.stderr.write("ERROR: unrecognized option '%s'\n" % o) sys.exit(2) if proposals_csv is None: sys.stderr.write("ERROR: need --proposals-csv option.\n\n") sys.stderr.write(__doc__) sys.exit(1) comp = competition.Competition( proposals_csv, "RacialEquity2030", "Application #", pare ) correction_processor = competition.CorrectionData("Application #", correction_file) for column in correction_processor.columns_affected(): comp.process_cells_special(column, correction_processor) comp.add_supplemental_information( competition.LinkedSecondSheet( admin_review_csv, "Application #", ["Organization name"], {} ) ) comp.filter_proposals( competition.ColumnEqualsProposalFilter("Admin Review Status", "Not Applicable") ) fix_cell_processor = competition.FixCellProcessor() comp.process_all_cells_special(fix_cell_processor) fix_cell_processor.report() comp.process_cells_special( "Organization name", competition.RemoveHTMLBRsProcessor() ) comp.add_supplemental_information( competition.LinkedSecondSheet( expert_panel_review_csv, "Review #", ["Overall Rank"], {} ) ) comp.process_cells_special("Overall Rank", competition.DefaultValueSetter("9999")) comp.add_supplemental_information( competition.EvaluationAdder( "Peer to Peer", peer_to_peer_review_csv, app_col_name="Application #", score_rank_normalized_col_name="Overall Score Rank Normalized ", sum_of_scores_normalized_col_name="Sum Of Scores Normalized ", trait_col_name="Trait", score_normalized_col_name="Trait Score Normalized", comments_col_name="Trait Judge Comment ", comments_score_normalized_col_name="Trait Score Normalized", ) ) comp.process_cells_special("Project Title", competition.RemoveHTMLBRsProcessor()) comp.add_supplemental_information(competition.MediaWikiTitleAdder("Project Title")) comp.add_supplemental_information( competition.GlobalViewMediaWikiTitleAdder("RacialEquity2030", "Project Title") ) comp.add_supplemental_information( competition.StaticColumnAdder("Competition Name", "RacialEquity2030") ) comp.process_cells_special("Priority Populations", competition.MultiLineProcessor()) comp.process_cells_special( "Sustainable Development Goals", competition.MultiLineProcessor(split_string="|"), ) comp.process_cells_special("Total Projected Costs", competition.NumberCommaizer()) comp.process_cells_special("Budget Data", competition.BudgetTableProcessor()) attachments = competition.BasicAttachments( comp.sorted_proposal_keys, attachments_dir ) comp.add_supplemental_information(attachments) comp.sort("Overall Rank", True) list_toc = toc.ListToc("All_Proposals") list_toc.proposal_formatter = toc.WikiTableTocProposalFormatter( [ { "name": "Organization name", "heading": "Organization", }, { "name": "Project Title", "heading": "Title", "link": True, }, { "name": "Application #", "heading": "ID #", "right_aligned": True, }, { "name": "Overall Rank", "heading": "Rank", "right_aligned": True, }, ] ) comp.add_toc(list_toc) comp.add_toc( toc.GenericToc("Funders", ["FUNDER 1 Name", "FUNDER 2 Name", "FUNDER 3 Name"]) ) comp.add_toc(toc.GenericMultiLineToc("Populations", "Priority Populations")) comp.add_toc( toc.GenericMultiLineToc( "Sustainable_Development_Goals", "Sustainable Development Goals", [ "No Poverty", "Zero Hunger", "Good Health and Well-being", "Quality Education", "Gender Equality", "Clean Water and Sanitation", "Affordable and Clean Energy", "Decent Work and Economic Growth", "Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure", "Reduced Inequality", "Sustainable Cities and Communities", "Responsible Consumption and Production", "Climate Action", "Life Below Water", "Life on Land", "Peace and Justice Strong Institutions", "Partnerships for the Goals", ], ) ) comp.add_toc(toc.GenericToc("Subject_Areas", "Primary Subject Area")) comp.add_toc( toc.GeographicToc( "Current_Work_Locations", [ [ "Location of Current Work #1 Country", "Location of Current Work #1 State / Provence", ], [ "Location of Current Work #2 Country", "Location of Current Work #2 State / Provence", ], [ "Location of Current Work #3 Country", "Location of Current Work #3 State / Provence", ], [ "Location of Current Work #4 Country", "Location of Current Work #4 State / Provence", ], [ "Location of Current Work #5 Country", "Location of Current Work #5 State / Provence", ], ], ) ) comp.add_toc( toc.GeographicToc( "Future_Work_Locations", [ [ "Location of Future Work #1 Country", "Location of Future Work #1 State / Provence", ], [ "Location of Future Work #2 Country", "Location of Future Work #2 State / Provence", ], [ "Location of Future Work #3 Country", "Location of Future Work #3 State / Provence", ], [ "Location of Future Work #4 Country", "Location of Future Work #4 State / Provence", ], [ "Location of Future Work #5 Country", "Location of Future Work #5 State / Provence", ], ], ) ) comp.process_tocs() if tdc_config_dir is not None: tdc.AllProposals(comp).generate(tdc_config_dir) tdc.ValidProposals(comp, "Admin Review Status", "Valid").generate( tdc_config_dir ) tdc.AllColumns(comp).generate(tdc_config_dir) tdc.ProcessedSpreadsheet(comp).generate(tdc_config_dir) my_wiki = wiki.WikiSession( config.username, config.password, comp.name, config.wiki_url ) my_wiki.csv_only = csv_only my_wiki.upload_sheet(comp) my_wiki.upload_attachments(attachments.attachments) for proposal in comp.proposals.values(): my_wiki.create_page( "Evaluations of %s" % proposal.cell("MediaWiki Title"), "{{ #tdcrender:RacialEquity2030/id/" + proposal.key() + ".mwiki|Evaluations }}", ) if __name__ == "__main__": main()