# Torque Sites Repository of open source code for [Torque](https://github.com/opentechstrategies/torque/) sites managed by [Open Tech Strategies, LLC](https://OpenTechStrategies.com/). The code here is unlikely to be of general use, because it is highly specific to the needs and datasets of OTS clients (e.g., the [MacArthur Foundation](https://www.MacFound.org) and [Lever for Change](https://www.leverforchange.org/)). We release the code as open source software anyway, because that's our usual practice and because some of it could serve as an example or as a template for other similar efforts, primarily for anyone deploying a Torque-based service. See [INSTALL.md](INSTALL.md) and [DESIGN.md](DESIGN.md) for more information. ## Layout of project The following is the subdirectories 1. [base/](base/) - The base support systems needed for a torque-sites server 2. [etl/](etl/) - Generalized ETL Pipeline 3. [roles/](roles/) - Centralized set of ansible roles for competitions 5. [competitions/](competitions/) - The deployed competitions 6. [scripts/](scripts/) - Miscellaneous scripts for use in conjunction with the project Because each adheres to the standards set out in these top level documents, most of the information needed is here. However, each competition includes a README that notes information about the competition as well as other installation reqruirements if applicable.