diff --git a/scripts/llm/analysis_support.py b/scripts/llm/analysis_support.py
index 6a5752056b4ec658c2b9aaa126ed0c11ab5ecb81..e2c7a8d86b84d083e2b2fd72e3bbdb53c30312d7 100755
--- a/scripts/llm/analysis_support.py
+++ b/scripts/llm/analysis_support.py
@@ -9,13 +9,13 @@ Prerequisites:
   1. Optionally, set up a `config.py` file to provide configuration
      - copy `config.py.tmpl` to `config.py` and fill in the values
   2. Install dependencies:
-     - `torqueclient`, `jinja2`, `requests` Python libraries
+     - `torqueclient`, `jinja2`, `requests`, `nltk` Python libraries
      - `pandoc`
   $ python -m venv venv
   $ source ./venv/bin/activate
-  $ pip3 install torqueclient jinja2 requests
+  $ pip3 install torqueclient jinja2 requests nltk
   $ sudo apt-get install pandoc
@@ -63,6 +63,7 @@ except ImportError:
 from dataclasses import asdict, dataclass, field
 import re
+import nltk
 import requests
 from requests.adapters import HTTPAdapter, Retry
 import textwrap
@@ -81,6 +82,7 @@ logging.getLogger("requests").setLevel(logging.WARNING)
+nltk.download("punkt_tab", quiet=True)
 parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
@@ -93,6 +95,21 @@ parser.add_argument(
     help="Output the response from the LLM rather than committing back to Torque",
+    "-e",
+    "--evaluate",
+    action="store_true",
+    help="Evaluate the similarity between the LLM and LFC analyses",
+    "-s",
+    "--similarity",
+    type=float,
+    default=os.getenv(
+        "SEMANTIC_SIMILARITY", getattr(config, "SEMANTIC_SIMILARITY", 0.77)
+    ),
+    help="Parts of the analysis are considered similar if the score is greater than this value",
@@ -469,6 +486,50 @@ class SearchResult:
     extra_snippets: list[str] = field(default_factory=list)
+class SearchResults:
+    results: list[SearchResult]
+    def __str__(self):
+        if len(self.results) > 0:
+            return "The following results were returned when searching:" + "\n".join(
+                [
+                    f"  * {result.title}\n"
+                    f"    - {result.description}\n"
+                    + "\n".join(
+                        [f"    - {snippet}" for snippet in result.extra_snippets]
+                    )
+                    for result in self.results
+                ]
+            )
+        else:
+            return "No results found."
+class EmbeddingRequest:
+    input: str | list[str]
+class EvaluationStats:
+    total: int = 0
+    similar: int = 0
+    def __add__(self, other):
+        return EvaluationStats(
+            total=self.total + other.total,
+            similar=self.similar + other.similar,
+        )
+    @property
+    def percent(self):
+        return round((self.similar / self.total) * 100)
+    def __str__(self):
+        return f"{self.similar} / {self.total} = {self.percent}%"
 class APIClient:
     endpoint: str
     api_key: str
@@ -517,6 +578,8 @@ class Brave(APIClient):
     def search(self, query):
+        logging.info(f"      Searching for {query}...")
         response = self.make_request(
             params={"q": query},
@@ -526,15 +589,18 @@ class Brave(APIClient):
             raise ValueError("No web pages in response")
         results = response["web"]["results"]
-        return [
-            SearchResult(
-                title=result["title"],
-                url=result["url"],
-                description=result["description"],
-                extra_snippets=result.get("extra_snippets", []),
-            )
-            for result in results
-        ]
+        return SearchResults(
+            results=[
+                SearchResult(
+                    title=result["title"],
+                    url=result["url"],
+                    description=result["description"],
+                    extra_snippets=result.get("extra_snippets", []),
+                )
+                for result in results
+            ]
+        )
 class LLM(APIClient):
@@ -570,6 +636,13 @@ class LLM(APIClient):
         summary = response["result"]["summary"]
         return AnalysisResponse(value=summary["content"], id=summary["id"])
+    def get_embeddings(self, text):
+        response = self.make_request(
+            "embeddings",
+            EmbeddingRequest(input=text),
+        )
+        return [embedding["embedding"] for embedding in response["data"]]
 class MarkdownRenderer:
     template_path: str
@@ -664,8 +737,77 @@ def clean_text(text):
     return text
-def generate_analysis_support(llm, proposal, search_engine):
+def split_text(text):
+    return nltk.sent_tokenize(text)
+def remove_backslashes(text):
+    # Replace escaped characters
+    text = re.sub(r"\\([,.\-()$:+?])", r"\1", text)
+    return text
+def dot_product(a, b):
+    result = 0
+    for i in range(len(a)):
+        result += a[i] * b[i]
+    return result
+def calculate_evaluation_stats(llm, llm_key, llm_value, proposal, **kwargs):
+    if "LFC Analysis" not in proposal.keys():
+        logging.error("LFC Analysis not found, not evaluating")
+        return EvaluationStats()
+    key_mapping = {
+        "Project Overview": "Overview",
+        "Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Accessibility": "Diversity, Equity and Inclusion",
+    }
+    lfc_key = key_mapping.get(llm_key, llm_key)
+    lfc_value = remove_backslashes(proposal["LFC Analysis"].get(lfc_key, ""))
+    llm_parts = split_text(llm_value)
+    lfc_parts = split_text(lfc_value)
+    stats = EvaluationStats(total=len(lfc_parts))
+    if not llm_parts or not lfc_parts:
+        return stats
+    llm_embeddings = llm.get_embeddings(llm_parts)
+    lfc_embeddings = llm.get_embeddings(lfc_parts)
+    for lfc_part, lfc_embedding in zip(lfc_parts, lfc_embeddings):
+        max_score, llm_part = max(
+            (
+                (
+                    dot_product(llm_embedding, lfc_embedding),
+                    llm_part,
+                )
+                for llm_part, llm_embedding in zip(llm_parts, llm_embeddings)
+            ),
+            key=lambda item: item[0],
+        )
+        if max_score >= kwargs.get("similarity", 0.77):
+            logging.debug(
+                f"    * Similar sentence found ({max_score}):\n"
+                f"      - LLM: {llm_part}\n"
+                f"      - LFC: {lfc_part}\n"
+            )
+            stats.similar += 1
+    logging.info(f"        - Similarity: {stats}")
+    return stats
+def generate_analysis_support(llm, proposal, search_engine, **kwargs):
     llm_analysis = {}
+    summary_stats = {}
     for name, section in sections.items():
         logging.info(f"    * {name}...")
@@ -673,32 +815,16 @@ def generate_analysis_support(llm, proposal, search_engine):
         prompts = []
         for prompt in section.prompts.values():
-            text = clean_text(
-                LLMProposal(proposal).render_markdown(prompt.template_blocks)
-            )
             if name == "Reputational Risks":
-                logging.info("      Searching for controversies...")
-                query = proposal["Organization Name"] + " controversy"
-                results = search_engine.search(query)
-                if len(results) > 0:
-                    text = f"""
-                    The following results were returned when searching for "{query}":
-                    """
-                    for result in results:
-                        text += f"""
-                        - {result.title}
-                          {result.description}
-                          {" ".join([snippet for snippet in result.extra_snippets])}
-                        """
-                    text = clean_text(text)
+                text = str(
+                    search_engine.search(f"{proposal['Organization Name']} controversy")
+                )
+            else:
+                text = LLMProposal(proposal).render_markdown(prompt.template_blocks)
-                    text=text,
+                    text=clean_text(text),
@@ -717,13 +843,18 @@ def generate_analysis_support(llm, proposal, search_engine):
         logging.info(f"{wrap_text(value, indent='        ')}")
+        if kwargs.get("evaluate"):
+            summary_stats[name] = calculate_evaluation_stats(
+                llm, name, value, proposal, **kwargs
+            )
     logging.debug("*** Prompt and Analysis Support: ***")
-    return llm_analysis
+    return llm_analysis, summary_stats
 def cli():
@@ -764,6 +895,8 @@ def cli():
     logging.info("Generating Analysis Support for:")
+    summary_stats = {}
     for proposal_id in args.proposals:
         logging.info(f"  * #{proposal_id}")
@@ -774,16 +907,31 @@ def cli():
-            llm_analysis = generate_analysis_support(llm, proposal, brave)
+            llm_analysis, proposal_stats = generate_analysis_support(
+                llm, proposal, brave, **vars(args)
+            )
         except Exception as e:
             logging.error(f"Error generating analysis support: {e}")
+        for section, section_stats in proposal_stats.items():
+            if section not in summary_stats:
+                summary_stats[section] = EvaluationStats()
+            summary_stats[section] += section_stats
         if not args.dry_run:
             # Setting this variable on a torqueclient proposal saves the data back
             # out to the server
             proposal["LLM LFC Analysis"] = llm_analysis
+    if args.evaluate:
+        logging.info("")
+        logging.info("Evaluation Summary (similar / total):")
+        for section, stats in summary_stats.items():
+            logging.info(f"  * {section}: {stats}")