language: python python: - 3.6 cache: pip: true directories: - node_modules # Use container-based infrastructure dist: trusty sudo: false # Services services: - postgresql addons: postgresql: "9.6" env: global: - DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE=opentech.settings.test - DATABASE_URL=postgres://postgres@localhost/test_db before_script: # Create a database - psql -c 'create database test_db;' -U postgres # Package installation install: - pip install codecov # Install project dependencies - pip install -r requirements.txt # Install node - nvm install 10 # Install node dependencies - npm install --quiet # Install gulp-cli - npm install -g gulp-cli # Build the static files - gulp deploy # Run the tests script: # Run python code style checks - flake8 ./opentech # Collect static - python collectstatic --noinput --verbosity=0 # Run system checks - python check # Check for missing migrations - python makemigrations --check --noinput --verbosity=0 # Run tests - coverage run --source='.' test . after_success: codecov