# Contributing to Hypha First off, thanks for taking the time to contribute! Before you start working however, please read and follow this short guide. ## Reporting Issues All changes in Hypha starts as an issue. - Pick the correct option for issue among the options your are given (bug report, feature request etc.). - Provide as much information as possible. There are templates for each issue type that will guide you. ## Creating Pull Requests Found a bug and know how to fix it or built a new feature you want to add? Great! Please read on. - Each pull request need to be linked to an issue. If non exist, create one first. - Rebase your topic branch on top of the main branch before creating the pull request. - One feature or fix per pull request. You find more information in the wiki page [Submitting changes](https://github.com/HyphaApp/hypha/wiki/Submitting-changes)