# Hypha


## Submission management software for open calls

* Manage the collection and review of applications or submissions openly and efficiently.
* Customize all aspects of the process, forms, workflows, review options, and more.
* Automate workflows and integrate with other services (Slack, Mailgun, etc).
* Regularly audited software with many privacy and security features.
* View our [Roadmap](https://github.com/OpenTechFund/hypha/wiki/Roadmap) for upcoming features and enhancements.

*Built with [Django](https://www.djangoproject.com/), [Wagtail](https://wagtail.io/), and [React](https://reactjs.org/)*

*Deploy with [Heroku](https://github.com/OpenTechFund/hypha/wiki/Deployment:-Heroku), [Docker](https://github.com/OpenTechFund/hypha/wiki/Deployment:-Docker), or [your own server](https://github.com/OpenTechFund/hypha/wiki/Deployment:-Standalone-App).*

## Maintainers

- [Sarah Aoun](https://github.com/saoun) @ [Open Technology Fund](https://www.opentech.fund/)
- [Dan Blah](https://github.com/danblah) @ [Reset](https://www.reset.tech/)
- [Fredrik Jonsson](https://github.com/frjo) @ [Combonetwork](https://www.combonet.se/)

## Community

### Contributors
Thank you to all the people who have contributed code to Hypha <3

- [Torchbox](https://www.torchbox.com/)
- [Parbhat](https://parbhatpuri.com/)
- [Maxwell Pearl](https://maxwellpearl.com/)
- [Throneless Technology](https://throneless.tech/)
- [Psycle](https://psycle.com/)

### Implementers
Thank you brave folks who chose to use Hypha <3

- [Open Technology Fund](https://www.opentech.fund)
- [Reset](https://www.reset.tech)
- [Digital Freedom Fund](https://digitalfreedomfund.org/)

### Backers
Thank you for your generosity <3

- [Open Technology Fund](https://www.opentech.fund)
- [Reset](https://www.reset.tech)

## Support Hypha

Hypha is an open source project made possible thanks to the support of our amazing backers. If you use Hypha please consider supporting it those contributing code to it. Becoming a backer who provides general funds or sponsors specific issues are ways to do so.

[![Back with Open Collective](https://opencollective.com/hypha/tiers/backer.svg?avatarHeight=75&width=600)](https://opencollective.com/hypha)


## More information

* Website: coming soon
* Docs: coming soon
* Why Hypha? **[Hyphae](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mycorrhizal_network):** long, branching ecosystem enriching organisms that form interconnected networks to collectively exchange resources. Hopefully, Hypha helps it's users do the same.
* Copyright (C) 2020 - Open Technology Fund

### License

[BSD 3-clause](./LICENSE)