'use strict'; var importOnce = require('node-sass-import-once'), path = require('path'); var options = {}; // ############################# // Edit these paths and options. // ############################# // The root paths are used to construct all the other paths in this // configuration. The "project" root path is where this gulpfile.js is located. options.rootPath = { project : __dirname + '/', app : __dirname + '/opentech/', theme : __dirname + '/opentech/static_src/' }; options.theme = { root : options.rootPath.theme, sass : options.rootPath.theme + 'src/sass/', js : options.rootPath.theme + 'src/javascript/', img : options.rootPath.theme + 'src/images/', font : options.rootPath.theme + 'src/fonts/', dest : options.rootPath.app + 'static_compiled/', css : options.rootPath.app + 'static_compiled/css/', js_dest : options.rootPath.app + 'static_compiled/js/', img_dest : options.rootPath.app + 'static_compiled/images/', font_dest : options.rootPath.app + 'static_compiled/fonts/' }; // Define the node-sass configuration. The includePaths is critical! options.sass = { importer: importOnce, includePaths: [ options.theme.sass, ], outputStyle: 'expanded' }; // Define the paths to the JS files to lint. options.eslint = { files : [ options.theme.js + '**/*.js', '!' + options.theme.js + '**/*.min.js' ] }; // If your files are on a network share, you may want to turn on polling for // Gulp watch. Since polling is less efficient, we disable polling by default. options.gulpWatchOptions = {interval: 600}; // options.gulpWatchOptions = {interval: 1000, mode: 'poll'}; // Load Gulp and tools we will use. var gulp = require('gulp'), $ = require('gulp-load-plugins')(), del = require('del'), // gulp-load-plugins will report "undefined" error unless you load gulp-sass manually. sass = require('gulp-sass'), cleanCSS = require('gulp-clean-css'), touch = require('gulp-touch-cmd'), exec = require('child_process').exec; // The sass files to process. var sassFiles = [ options.theme.sass + '**/*.scss', // Do not open Sass partials as they will be included as needed. '!' + options.theme.sass + '**/_*.scss' ]; // Clean CSS files. gulp.task('clean:css', function clean () { return del([ options.theme.css + '**/*.css', options.theme.css + '**/*.map' ], {force: true}); }); // Clean JavaScript files. gulp.task('clean:js', function clean () { return del([ options.theme.js_dest + '**/*.js', options.theme.js_dest + '**/*.map' ], {force: true}); }); // Clean all directories. gulp.task('clean', gulp.parallel('clean:css', 'clean:js')); // Lint JavaScript. gulp.task('lint:js', function lint () { return gulp.src(options.eslint.files) .pipe($.eslint()) .pipe($.eslint.format()); }); // Lint JavaScript and throw an error for a CI to catch. gulp.task('lint:js-with-fail', function lint () { return gulp.src(options.eslint.files) .pipe($.eslint()) .pipe($.eslint.format()) .pipe($.eslint.failOnError()); }); // Lint Sass. gulp.task('lint:sass', function lint () { return gulp.src(options.theme.sass + '**/*.scss') .pipe($.sassLint()) .pipe($.sassLint.format()); }); // Lint Sass and throw an error for a CI to catch. gulp.task('lint:sass-with-fail', function lint () { return gulp.src(options.theme.sass + '**/*.scss') .pipe($.sassLint()) .pipe($.sassLint.format()) .pipe($.sassLint.failOnError()); }); // Lint Sass and JavaScript. gulp.task('lint', gulp.parallel('lint:sass', 'lint:js')); // Build CSS. gulp.task('styles', gulp.series('clean:css', function css () { return gulp.src(sassFiles) .pipe($.sourcemaps.init()) .pipe(sass(options.sass).on('error', sass.logError)) .pipe($.size({showFiles: true})) .pipe($.sourcemaps.write('./')) .pipe(gulp.dest(options.theme.css)) .pipe(touch()); })); gulp.task('styles:production', gulp.series('clean:css', function css () { return gulp.src(sassFiles) .pipe(sass(options.sass).on('error', sass.logError)) .pipe(cleanCSS({rebase: false})) .pipe($.size({showFiles: true})) .pipe(gulp.dest(options.theme.css)) .pipe(touch()); })); // Build JavaScript. gulp.task('scripts', gulp.series('clean:js', function js () { return gulp.src(options.theme.js + '**/*.js') .pipe($.sourcemaps.init()) .pipe($.babel({presets: ['@babel/env']})) .pipe($.size({showFiles: true})) .pipe($.sourcemaps.write('./')) .pipe(gulp.dest(options.theme.js_dest)); })); // Build JavaScript. gulp.task('scripts:production', gulp.series('clean:js', function js () { return gulp.src(options.theme.js + '**/*.js') .pipe($.babel({presets: ['@babel/env']})) .pipe($.uglify()) .pipe($.size({showFiles: true})) .pipe(gulp.dest(options.theme.js_dest)); })); // Copy images. gulp.task('images', function copy () { return gulp.src(options.theme.img + '**/*.*').pipe(gulp.dest(options.theme.img_dest)); }); // Copy fonts. gulp.task('fonts', function copy () { return gulp.src(options.theme.font + '**/*.*').pipe(gulp.dest(options.theme.font_dest)); }); // Run Djangos collectstatic command. gulp.task('collectstatic', function (collect) { exec('python manage.py collectstatic --no-post-process --noinput -v0', function (err, stdout, stderr) { collect(err); }); }); // Watch for changes and rebuild. gulp.task('watch:css', gulp.series('styles', function watch () { return gulp.watch(options.theme.sass + '**/*.scss', options.gulpWatchOptions, gulp.series('styles')); })); gulp.task('watch:lint:sass', gulp.series('lint:sass', function watch () { return gulp.watch(options.theme.sass + '**/*.scss', options.gulpWatchOptions, gulp.series('lint:sass')); })); gulp.task('watch:lint:js', gulp.series('lint:js', function watch () { return gulp.watch(options.eslint.files, options.gulpWatchOptions, gulp.series('lint:js')); })); gulp.task('watch:js', gulp.series('scripts', function watch () { return gulp.watch(options.eslint.files, options.gulpWatchOptions, gulp.series('scripts')); })); gulp.task('watch:images', gulp.series('images', function watch () { return gulp.watch(options.theme.img + '**/*.*', options.gulpWatchOptions, gulp.series('images')); })); gulp.task('watch:fonts', gulp.series('fonts', function watch () { return gulp.watch(options.theme.font + '**/*.*', options.gulpWatchOptions, gulp.series('fonts')); })); gulp.task('watch:static', gulp.series('collectstatic', function watch () { return gulp.watch(options.theme.dest + '**/*.*', options.gulpWatchOptions, gulp.series('collectstatic')); })); gulp.task('watch', gulp.parallel('watch:css', 'watch:lint:sass', 'watch:js', 'watch:lint:js', 'watch:images', 'watch:fonts', 'watch:static')); // Build everything. gulp.task('build', gulp.parallel('styles:production', 'scripts:production', 'images', 'fonts', 'lint')); // Deploy everything. gulp.task('deploy', gulp.parallel('styles:production', 'scripts:production', 'images', 'fonts')); // The default task. gulp.task('default', gulp.series('build')); // Resources used to create this gulpfile.js: // - https://github.com/google/web-starter-kit/blob/master/gulpfile.babel.js // - https://github.com/dlmanning/gulp-sass/blob/master/README.md