Wagtail site ================== ## Contributing 1. Make changes on a new branch, including a broad category and the ticket number if relevant e.g. `feature/123-extra-squiggles`, `fix/newsletter-signup`. 1. Push your branch to the remote. 1. Edit details as necessary. If you need to preview work on `staging`, this can be merged and deployed manually without making a merge request. You can still make the merge request as above, but add a note to say that this is on `staging`, and not yet ready to be merged to `master`. # Setting up a local build This repository includes a Vagrantfile for running the project in a Debian VM and a fabfile for running common commands with Fabric. To set up a new build: ``` bash git clone cd opentech vagrant up vagrant ssh ``` Then within the SSH session: ``` bash dj migrate dj createcachetable dj createsuperuser djrun ``` This will make the site available on the host machine at: