diff --git a/hypha/apply/dashboard/templates/dashboard/dashboard.html b/hypha/apply/dashboard/templates/dashboard/dashboard.html
index 6f228a04e3b5697de26763442aac33bbe871bf95..512e79bb32af07109f3dced0725ed4356726825e 100644
--- a/hypha/apply/dashboard/templates/dashboard/dashboard.html
+++ b/hypha/apply/dashboard/templates/dashboard/dashboard.html
@@ -36,20 +36,35 @@
                         <div class="stat-block__view">{% trans "View" %}</div>
                     {% endif %}
-                <a href="#active-projects" class="stat-block__item border shadow-sm">
-                    <p class="stat-block__number">{{ projects.count }}</p>
-                    <p class="stat-block__text">{% trans "Live projects under your management" %}</p>
-                    {% if projects.count %}
-                        <div class="stat-block__view">{% trans "View" %}</div>
+                {% if PROJECTS_ENABLED %}
+                    <a href="#active-projects" class="stat-block__item border shadow-sm">
+                        <p class="stat-block__number">{{ projects.count }}</p>
+                        <p class="stat-block__text">{% trans "Live projects under your management" %}</p>
+                        {% if projects.count %}
+                            <div class="stat-block__view">{% trans "View" %}</div>
+                        {% endif %}
+                    </a>
+                    <a href="#active-invoices" class="stat-block__item border shadow-sm">
+                        <p class="stat-block__number">{{ active_invoices.count }}</p>
+                        <p class="stat-block__text">{% trans "Requests for invoices requiring your attention" %}</p>
+                        {% if active_invoices.count %}
+                            <div class="stat-block__view">{% trans "View" %}</div>
+                        {% endif %}
+                    </a>
+                {% else %}
+                    {% if my_flagged.table.data %}
+                        <a href="#submissions-flagged" class="stat-block__item border shadow-sm">
+                            <p class="stat-block__number">{{ my_flagged.table.rows|length }}</p>
+                            <p class="stat-block__text">Your flagged submissions</p>
+                        </a>
                     {% endif %}
-                </a>
-                <a href="#active-invoices" class="stat-block__item border shadow-sm">
-                    <p class="stat-block__number">{{ active_invoices.count }}</p>
-                    <p class="stat-block__text">{% trans "Requests for invoices requiring your attention" %}</p>
-                    {% if active_invoices.count %}
-                        <div class="stat-block__view">{% trans "View" %}</div>
+                    {% if my_reviewed.table.data %}
+                        <a href="#my-review" class="stat-block__item border shadow-sm">
+                            <p class="stat-block__number">{{ my_reviewed.table.rows|length }}</p>
+                            <p class="stat-block__text">Your previous reviews</p>
+                        </a>
                     {% endif %}
-                </a>
+                {% endif %}
@@ -67,14 +82,14 @@
             {% include "funds/includes/round-block.html" with can_export=can_export closed_rounds=rounds.closed open_rounds=rounds.open title="Your rounds and labs" page_type='dashboard' %}
         {% endif %}
-        {% if paf_for_review.count %}
+        {% if PROJECTS_ENABLED and paf_for_review.count %}
             <div id="paf_for_review" class="wrapper wrapper--bottom-space">
                 <h4 class="heading heading--normal">{% trans "PAFs for review" %}</h4>
                 {% render_table paf_for_review.table %}
         {% endif %}
-        {% if projects.table.data %}
+        {% if PROJECTS_ENABLED and projects.table.data %}
             <div id="active-projects" class="wrapper wrapper--bottom-space">
                 {% trans "Your projects" as project_heading %}
                 {% include "funds/includes/table_filter_and_search.html" with filter=projects.filterset filter_action=projects.url search_term=search_term search_action=projects.url search_placeholder="projects" use_search=True use_batch_actions=False heading="Your projects" %}
@@ -85,11 +100,10 @@
                         <a href="{{ projects.url }}?lead={{ request.user.pk }}">{% trans "Show all" %}</a>
                 {% endif %}
         {% endif %}
-        {% if active_invoices.count %}
+        {% if PROJECTS_ENABLED and active_invoices.count %}
             <div id="active-invoices" class="wrapper wrapper--bottom-space">
                 <h4 class="heading heading--normal">{% trans "Active Invoices" %}</h4>
                 {% render_table active_invoices.table %}
diff --git a/hypha/apply/utils/templatetags/apply_tags.py b/hypha/apply/utils/templatetags/apply_tags.py
index 06b19b8415cfc2cbbaca6b5dae8374082cf50a69..726f21037f2868a743d3ed63d4e0966e82b03d61 100644
--- a/hypha/apply/utils/templatetags/apply_tags.py
+++ b/hypha/apply/utils/templatetags/apply_tags.py
@@ -3,6 +3,8 @@ from django import template
 from django.conf import settings
 from django.template.defaultfilters import stringfilter
+from hypha.core.navigation import get_primary_navigation_items
 register = template.Library()
@@ -38,3 +40,8 @@ def truncatechars_middle(value, arg):
         return value
         return "{}...{}".format(value[: ln // 2], value[-((ln + 1) // 2) :])
+def primary_navigation_items(user):
+    return get_primary_navigation_items(user)
diff --git a/hypha/core/navigation.py b/hypha/core/navigation.py
index 2e77ea2683b773ea6f1aad5d50db175c44b429ec..d951d782e8656989b591143c5b7f185b29f4c2e0 100644
--- a/hypha/core/navigation.py
+++ b/hypha/core/navigation.py
@@ -1,43 +1,48 @@
+import copy
+import functools
+import importlib
 from django.conf import settings
+from django.core.exceptions import PermissionDenied
 from django.urls import reverse_lazy
 from django.utils.translation import gettext_lazy as _
-nav_items = [
         "title": _("My Dashboard"),
         "url": reverse_lazy("dashboard:dashboard"),
-        "permission_method": "has_dashboard_access",
+        "permission_method": "hypha.apply.users.decorators.has_dashboard_access",
         "title": _("Submissions"),
         # kind of basic url to figure out active tab
         "url": reverse_lazy("apply:submissions:overview"),
-        "permission_method": "is_apply_staff_or_reviewer_required",
+        "permission_method": "hypha.apply.users.decorators.is_apply_staff_or_reviewer_required",
         "sub_items": [
                 "title": _("All Submissions"),
                 "url": reverse_lazy("apply:submissions:list"),
-                "permission_method": "is_apply_staff_or_reviewer_required",
+                "permission_method": "hypha.apply.users.decorators.is_apply_staff_or_reviewer_required",
                 "title": _("Staff Assignments"),
                 "url": reverse_lazy("apply:submissions:staff_assignments"),
-                "permission_method": "is_apply_staff",
+                "permission_method": "hypha.apply.users.decorators.is_apply_staff",
                 "title": _("Reviews"),
                 "url": reverse_lazy("apply:submissions:reviewer_leaderboard"),
-                "permission_method": "is_apply_staff",
+                "permission_method": "hypha.apply.users.decorators.is_apply_staff",
                 "title": _("Results"),
                 "url": reverse_lazy("apply:submissions:result"),
-                "permission_method": "is_apply_staff",
+                "permission_method": "hypha.apply.users.decorators.is_apply_staff",
                 "title": _("Staff flagged"),
                 "url": reverse_lazy("apply:submissions:staff_flagged"),
-                "permission_method": "is_apply_staff",
+                "permission_method": "hypha.apply.users.decorators.is_apply_staff",
@@ -45,33 +50,73 @@ nav_items = [
         "title": _("Projects"),
         # kind of basic url to figure out active tab
         "url": reverse_lazy("apply:projects:overview"),
-        "permission_method": "is_apply_staff_or_finance_or_contracting",
+        "permission_method": "hypha.apply.users.decorators.is_apply_staff_or_finance_or_contracting",
         "sub_items": [
                 "title": _("All Projects"),
                 "url": reverse_lazy("apply:projects:all"),
-                "permission_method": "is_apply_staff_or_finance_or_contracting",
+                "permission_method": "hypha.apply.users.decorators.is_apply_staff_or_finance_or_contracting",
                 "title": _("Invoices"),
                 "url": reverse_lazy("apply:projects:invoices"),
-                "permission_method": "is_apply_staff_or_finance",
+                "permission_method": "hypha.apply.users.decorators.is_apply_staff_or_finance",
                 "title": _("Reports"),
                 "url": reverse_lazy("apply:projects:reports:all"),
-                "permission_method": "is_apply_staff_or_finance",
+                "permission_method": "hypha.apply.users.decorators.is_apply_staff_or_finance",
-if settings.APPLY_NAV_MENU_ITEMS:
-    nav_items = settings.APPLY_NAV_MENU_ITEMS
+def _check_permission(user, method: str) -> bool:
+    """Resolve the method path and check if the user has permission.
+    Args:
+        user: user object
+        method: import path to the method to check permission
+    Returns:
+        bool: True if user has permission, False otherwise
+    """
+    module = importlib.import_module(method.rsplit(".", 1)[0])
+    method = method.rsplit(".", 1)[1]
+    try:
+        return getattr(module, method)(user)
+    except PermissionDenied:
+        return False
+def get_primary_navigation_items(user):
+    """Get the primary navigation items based on user permissions."""
+    original_nav_items = copy.deepcopy(
+    )
+    nav_items = []
+    for item in original_nav_items:
+        nav_item = item.copy()
+        if item["title"] == "Projects" and not settings.PROJECTS_ENABLED:
+            continue
+        if item["title"] == "Submissions" and settings.APPLY_NAV_SUBMISSIONS_ITEMS:
+            nav_item["sub_items"] = settings.APPLY_NAV_SUBMISSIONS_ITEMS
-    nav_items[1]["sub_items"] = settings.APPLY_NAV_SUBMISSIONS_ITEMS
+        if not _check_permission(user, nav_item["permission_method"]):
+            continue
+        if sub_items := nav_item.get("sub_items"):
+            nav_item["sub_items"] = list(
+                filter(
+                    lambda x: _check_permission(user, x["permission_method"]),
+                    sub_items,
+                )
+            )
+        nav_items.append(nav_item)
-    nav_items[2]["sub_items"] = settings.APPLY_NAV_PROJECTS_ITEMS
+    return nav_items
diff --git a/hypha/core/templates/core/navigation/primarynav-apply.html b/hypha/core/templates/core/navigation/primarynav-apply.html
index 176b4e8f11c310a45423f37c18f66bbaf96384e5..e7fec3ba7a53c0a25fe64e8259f3d04fde133f6c 100644
--- a/hypha/core/templates/core/navigation/primarynav-apply.html
+++ b/hypha/core/templates/core/navigation/primarynav-apply.html
@@ -1,8 +1,9 @@
-{% load i18n applynav_tags heroicons %}
+{% load i18n apply_tags heroicons %}
 {% if request.user.is_authenticated %}
     <nav role="navigation" aria-label="Primary" class="w-full">
         <ul class="nav nav--primary" role="menubar">
-            {% apply_nav_items request.user as nav_items %}
+            {% primary_navigation_items request.user as nav_items %}
             {% for item in nav_items %}
                 <li class="nav__item"
diff --git a/hypha/core/templatetags/applynav_tags.py b/hypha/core/templatetags/applynav_tags.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 64e6fe0b61d77049220b1f00132ca660ce9d2119..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/hypha/core/templatetags/applynav_tags.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,40 +0,0 @@
-import copy
-from django import template
-from django.core.exceptions import PermissionDenied
-from hypha.apply.users import decorators
-from ..navigation import nav_items
-register = template.Library()
-def has_permission(user, method):
-    try:
-        if getattr(decorators, method)(user):
-            return True
-        return False
-    except PermissionDenied:
-        return False
-    except Exception:
-        # just to handle unknown exceptions
-        return False
-def apply_nav_items(user):
-    temp_nav = copy.deepcopy(nav_items)
-    item_count = 0
-    for item in nav_items:
-        item_count = +1
-        removed = False
-        if not has_permission(user, item["permission_method"]):
-            temp_nav.remove(item)
-            removed = True
-            item_count = -1
-        if not removed and "sub_items" in item.keys():
-            for sub_item in item["sub_items"]:
-                if not has_permission(user, sub_item["permission_method"]):
-                    temp_nav[item_count]["sub_items"].remove(sub_item)
-    return temp_nav