diff --git a/hypha/apply/dashboard/templates/dashboard/dashboard.html b/hypha/apply/dashboard/templates/dashboard/dashboard.html
index 5f713ea8095b8c8ac57a86cea108dd9c46b88dd9..39534f75301efc2f85509a28647a0656a8bce91c 100644
--- a/hypha/apply/dashboard/templates/dashboard/dashboard.html
+++ b/hypha/apply/dashboard/templates/dashboard/dashboard.html
@@ -30,7 +30,12 @@
                     {% for task in my_tasks.data %}
                         <div class="bg-white p-1 flex mb-1 items-center border border-gray-600">
                             <svg class="icon icon--dashboard-tasks"><use xlink:href="#{{ task.icon }}"></use></svg>
-                            <div class="flex-1">{{ task.text|markdown|nh3 }}</div>
+                            <div class="flex flex-1 items-center">
+                                {{ task.text|markdown|nh3 }}
+                                {% if task.type == "Draft" %}
+                                    <span class="bg-red-200 hover:opacity-70 transition-opacity rounded-full whitespace-nowrap inline-block ms-1 my-2 px-2 pt-0.5 pb-1 text-sm font-medium text-gray-800">{{ task.type }}</span>
+                                {% endif %}
+                            </div>
                             <a class="button button-primary m-2" href="{{ task.url }}">{% trans "View" %}</a>
                     {% endfor %}
diff --git a/hypha/apply/determinations/views.py b/hypha/apply/determinations/views.py
index e7bed495aca0d90a20ee7bd3d23178fcec502bbd..07822297438dcdd372b3dc854b69f9c5302b86e4 100644
--- a/hypha/apply/determinations/views.py
+++ b/hypha/apply/determinations/views.py
@@ -21,6 +21,12 @@ from hypha.apply.funds.models import ApplicationSubmission
 from hypha.apply.funds.workflow import DETERMINATION_OUTCOMES, Concept
 from hypha.apply.projects.models import Project
 from hypha.apply.stream_forms.models import BaseStreamForm
+from hypha.apply.todo.options import DETERMINATION_DRAFT
+from hypha.apply.todo.views import (
+    add_task_to_user,
+    remove_tasks_for_user,
+    remove_tasks_of_related_obj_for_specific_code,
 from hypha.apply.users.decorators import staff_required
 from hypha.apply.utils.views import CreateOrUpdateView, ViewDispatcher
@@ -425,6 +431,11 @@ class DeterminationCreateOrUpdateView(BaseStreamForm, CreateOrUpdateView):
         if self.object.is_draft:
+            add_task_to_user(
+                code=DETERMINATION_DRAFT,
+                user=self.object.author,
+                related_obj=self.object,
+            )
             return HttpResponseRedirect(self.submission.get_absolute_url())
         with transaction.atomic():
@@ -460,6 +471,16 @@ class DeterminationCreateOrUpdateView(BaseStreamForm, CreateOrUpdateView):
             if self.submission.accepted_for_funding and settings.PROJECTS_AUTO_CREATE:
+        # remove current users's task for determination
+        remove_tasks_for_user(
+            code=DETERMINATION_DRAFT, user=self.object.author, related_obj=self.object
+        )
+        # remove all current determination tasks for the submission
+        remove_tasks_of_related_obj_for_specific_code(
+            code=DETERMINATION_DRAFT, related_obj=self.object
+        )
diff --git a/hypha/apply/todo/migrations/0002_alter_task_code.py b/hypha/apply/todo/migrations/0002_alter_task_code.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..c70d422fb3a9587c38a29305bcf424858ba0d84d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/hypha/apply/todo/migrations/0002_alter_task_code.py
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
+# Generated by Django 4.2.11 on 2024-04-03 12:39
+from django.db import migrations, models
+class Migration(migrations.Migration):
+    dependencies = [
+        ("todo", "0001_initial"),
+    ]
+    operations = [
+        migrations.AlterField(
+            model_name="task",
+            name="code",
+            field=models.CharField(
+                choices=[
+                    ("determination_draft", "Determination draft"),
+                    ("project_waiting_paf", "Project waiting PAF"),
+                    ("project_submit_paf", "Project submit PAF"),
+                    ("paf_required_changes", "PAF required changes"),
+                    ("paf_waiting_assignee", "PAF waiting assignee"),
+                    ("paf_waiting_approval", "PAF waiting approval"),
+                    ("project_waiting_contract", "Project waiting contract"),
+                    (
+                        "project_waiting_contract_document",
+                        "Project waiting contract document",
+                    ),
+                    (
+                        "project_waiting_contract_review",
+                        "Project waiting contract review",
+                    ),
+                    ("project_waiting_invoice", "Project waiting invoice"),
+                    ("invoice_required_changes", "Invoice required changes"),
+                    ("invoice_waiting_approval", "Invoice waiting approval"),
+                    ("invoice_waiting_paid", "Invoice waiting paid"),
+                    ("report_due", "Report due"),
+                ],
+                max_length=50,
+            ),
+        ),
+    ]
diff --git a/hypha/apply/todo/options.py b/hypha/apply/todo/options.py
index 6d8b6a32528d58aa09194253a015cd72799c0694..d97d5b077409ad84e85d922b3a90c7f2e0dfcc53 100644
--- a/hypha/apply/todo/options.py
+++ b/hypha/apply/todo/options.py
@@ -4,6 +4,7 @@ from django.utils.translation import gettext as _
 from hypha.apply.activity.adapters.utils import link_to
+DETERMINATION_DRAFT = "determination_draft"
 PROJECT_WAITING_PAF = "project_waiting_paf"
 PROJECT_SUBMIT_PAF = "project_submit_paf"
 PAF_REQUIRED_CHANGES = "paf_required_changes"
@@ -19,6 +20,7 @@ INVOICE_WAITING_PAID = "invoice_waiting_paid"
 REPORT_DUE = "report_due"
+    (DETERMINATION_DRAFT, "Determination draft"),
     (PROJECT_WAITING_PAF, "Project waiting PAF"),
     (PROJECT_SUBMIT_PAF, "Project submit PAF"),
     (PAF_REQUIRED_CHANGES, "PAF required changes"),
@@ -38,6 +40,14 @@ TASKS_CODE_CHOICES = (
 template_map = {
     # :todo: actions for mupltiple stages of submission
+        "text": _(
+            'Determination draft for submission [<span class=" truncate inline-block w-32 align-bottom ">{related.submission.title}</span>]({link} "{related.submission.title}") is waiting to be submitted'
+        ),
+        "icon": "edit-draft",
+        "url": "{link}",
+        "type": _("Draft"),
+    },
     # PROJECT actions
     # draft state (staff action)
diff --git a/hypha/apply/todo/views.py b/hypha/apply/todo/views.py
index 4ec9f2d0077b30bccc59aafa52c9a6100ce5597c..1ed151c24845ffb0f5078372473f27d8a9c4f646 100644
--- a/hypha/apply/todo/views.py
+++ b/hypha/apply/todo/views.py
@@ -91,6 +91,21 @@ def remove_tasks_for_user_group(code, user_group, related_obj):
     return None
+def remove_tasks_of_related_obj_for_specific_code(code, related_obj):
+    """
+    Remove all tasks of a related object with the provide code irrespective to their users
+    input:
+        code: TASKS_CODE_CHOICES.keys()
+        related_obj: Object - Submission, Project, Invoice, Report
+    """
+    Task.objects.filter(
+        code=code,
+        related_content_type=ContentType.objects.get_for_model(related_obj).id,
+        related_object_id=related_obj.id,
+    ).delete()
+    return None
 def remove_tasks_of_related_obj(related_obj):
     Remove all tasks of a related object irrespective of their code and users
diff --git a/hypha/templates/includes/sprites.html b/hypha/templates/includes/sprites.html
index ee94938f6429d5d111f5d9d5053d1d8e513096d0..ba718828edc178c174f5db1d45cf13c827ac7aff 100644
--- a/hypha/templates/includes/sprites.html
+++ b/hypha/templates/includes/sprites.html
@@ -33,4 +33,8 @@
         <path d="M7.54625 9.5375L7.54625 4.11249L8.47594 4.11249L8.47594 9.5375L7.54625 9.5375ZM8.64 11.4937C8.64 11.6354 8.58531 11.7542 8.47594 11.85C8.36135 11.95 8.2051 12 8.00719 12C7.80927 12 7.65302 11.95 7.53844 11.85C7.41865 11.7542 7.35875 11.6354 7.35875 11.4937C7.35875 11.3562 7.41865 11.2375 7.53844 11.1375C7.65302 11.0417 7.80927 10.9937 8.00719 10.9937C8.2051 10.9937 8.36135 11.0417 8.47594 11.1375C8.58531 11.2375 8.64 11.3562 8.64 11.4937Z" fill="#F05E54"/>
+    <svg id="edit-draft" fill="none" stroke="currentColor" stroke-width="2" viewBox="0 0 24 24">
+        <path d="M12 20h9"/>
+        <path d="M16.5 3.5a2.121 2.121 0 0 1 3 3L7 19l-4 1 1-4L16.5 3.5z"/>
+    </svg>