From 609e9db591e007448a6f0b1a6f356c9219f12dcc Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Wes Appler <>
Date: Sat, 1 Jun 2024 04:28:22 -0400
Subject: [PATCH] Utilize emails as display name on comments when no name is
 set (#3896)

Fixes #3895. Quick one I noticed while working on the partner comment
stuff. Comments will now display with the user email where no full name
is set.
 .../activity/templatetags/     |  2 +-
 hypha/apply/users/                    | 18 ++++++++++++++----
 2 files changed, 15 insertions(+), 5 deletions(-)

diff --git a/hypha/apply/activity/templatetags/ b/hypha/apply/activity/templatetags/
index 4a0c6add9..7a6fb2754 100644
--- a/hypha/apply/activity/templatetags/
+++ b/hypha/apply/activity/templatetags/
@@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ def display_author(activity, user) -> str:
         return settings.ORG_LONG_NAME
     if isinstance(activity.related_object, Review) and activity.source.user == user:
         return "Reviewer"
-    return activity.user.get_full_name_with_group()
+    return activity.user.get_display_name_with_group()
diff --git a/hypha/apply/users/ b/hypha/apply/users/
index 2470e68af..5375aa29c 100644
--- a/hypha/apply/users/
+++ b/hypha/apply/users/
@@ -226,16 +226,26 @@ class User(AbstractUser):
     def get_full_name(self):
         return self.full_name.strip()
-    def get_short_name(self):
-        return
+    def get_short_name(self) -> str:
+        """Gets the local-part (username) of the user's email
-    def get_full_name_with_group(self):
+        ie. returns "hyphaiscool"
+        """
+        return"@")[0]
+    def get_display_name_with_group(self) -> str:
+        """Gets the user's display name, along with their role in parenthesis
+        If the user has a full name set that will be used, otherwise pulls the email.
+        """
+        display_name = str(self)
         is_apply_staff = f" ({STAFF_GROUP_NAME})" if self.is_apply_staff else ""
         is_reviewer = f" ({REVIEWER_GROUP_NAME})" if self.is_reviewer else ""
+        is_partner = f" ({PARTNER_GROUP_NAME})" if self.is_partner else ""
         is_applicant = f" ({APPLICANT_GROUP_NAME})" if self.is_applicant else ""
         is_finance = f" ({FINANCE_GROUP_NAME})" if self.is_finance else ""
         is_contracting = f" ({CONTRACTING_GROUP_NAME})" if self.is_contracting else ""
-        return f"{self.full_name.strip()}{is_apply_staff}{is_reviewer}{is_applicant}{is_finance}{is_contracting}"
+        return f"{display_name}{is_apply_staff}{is_reviewer}{is_applicant}{is_partner}{is_finance}{is_contracting}"
     def roles(self):