From 4fd6c810b9c42379124699c3764baf0c154ccb86 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Saurabh Kumar <>
Date: Mon, 1 Aug 2022 17:28:59 +0530
Subject: [PATCH] =?UTF-8?q?Refractor=20messaging=20to=20separate=20out=20i?=
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Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit

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+from .activity_feed import ActivityAdapter
+from .base import AdapterBase
+from .django_messages import DjangoMessagesAdapter
+from .emails import EmailAdapter
+from .slack import SlackAdapter
+__all__ = [
+    AdapterBase,
+    ActivityAdapter,
+    DjangoMessagesAdapter,
+    EmailAdapter,
+    SlackAdapter,
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index 000000000..cd35835a6
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+import json
+from django.db.models import Model as DjangoModel
+from django.utils import timezone
+from django.utils.translation import gettext as _
+from hypha.apply.activity.models import ALL, TEAM
+from hypha.apply.activity.options import MESSAGES
+from .base import AdapterBase
+from .utils import is_transition, reviewers_message
+class ActivityAdapter(AdapterBase):
+    adapter_type = "Activity Feed"
+    always_send = True
+    messages = {
+        MESSAGES.TRANSITION: 'handle_transition',
+        MESSAGES.BATCH_TRANSITION: 'handle_batch_transition',
+        MESSAGES.NEW_SUBMISSION: _('Submitted {source.title} for {}'),
+        MESSAGES.EDIT_SUBMISSION: _('Edited'),
+        MESSAGES.APPLICANT_EDIT: _('Edited'),
+        MESSAGES.UPDATE_LEAD: _('Lead changed from {old_lead} to {source.lead}'),
+        MESSAGES.BATCH_UPDATE_LEAD: _('Batch Lead changed to {new_lead}'),
+        MESSAGES.DETERMINATION_OUTCOME: _('Sent a determination. Outcome: {determination.clean_outcome}'),
+        MESSAGES.BATCH_DETERMINATION_OUTCOME: 'batch_determination',
+        MESSAGES.INVITED_TO_PROPOSAL: _('Invited to submit a proposal'),
+        MESSAGES.REVIEWERS_UPDATED: 'reviewers_updated',
+        MESSAGES.BATCH_REVIEWERS_UPDATED: 'batch_reviewers_updated',
+        MESSAGES.PARTNERS_UPDATED: 'partners_updated',
+        MESSAGES.NEW_REVIEW: _('Submitted a review'),
+        MESSAGES.OPENED_SEALED: _('Opened the submission while still sealed'),
+        MESSAGES.SCREENING: 'handle_screening_statuses',
+        MESSAGES.REVIEW_OPINION: _('{user} {opinion.opinion_display}s with {}s review of {source}'),
+        MESSAGES.CREATED_PROJECT: _('Created'),
+        MESSAGES.PROJECT_TRANSITION: _('Progressed from {old_stage} to {source.status_display}'),
+        MESSAGES.UPDATE_PROJECT_LEAD: _('Lead changed from {old_lead} to {source.lead}'),
+        MESSAGES.SEND_FOR_APPROVAL: _('Requested approval'),
+        MESSAGES.APPROVE_PROJECT: _('Approved'),
+        MESSAGES.REQUEST_PROJECT_CHANGE: _('Requested changes for acceptance: "{comment}"'),
+        MESSAGES.UPLOAD_CONTRACT: _('Uploaded a {contract.state} contract'),
+        MESSAGES.APPROVE_CONTRACT: _('Approved contract'),
+        MESSAGES.UPDATE_INVOICE_STATUS: 'handle_update_invoice_status',
+        MESSAGES.CREATE_INVOICE: _('Invoice created'),
+        MESSAGES.SUBMIT_REPORT: _('Submitted a report'),
+        MESSAGES.SKIPPED_REPORT: 'handle_skipped_report',
+        MESSAGES.REPORT_FREQUENCY_CHANGED: 'handle_report_frequency',
+        MESSAGES.BATCH_DELETE_SUBMISSION: 'handle_batch_delete_submission',
+    }
+    def recipients(self, message_type, **kwargs):
+        return [None]
+    def extra_kwargs(self, message_type, source, sources, **kwargs):
+        if message_type in [
+        ]:
+            return {'visibility': TEAM}
+        source = source or sources[0]
+        if is_transition(message_type) and not source.phase.permissions.can_view(
+            source.user
+        ):
+            # User's shouldn't see status activity changes for stages that aren't visible to the them
+            return {'visibility': TEAM}
+        return {}
+    def reviewers_updated(self, added=list(), removed=list(), **kwargs):
+        message = [_('Reviewers updated.')]
+        if added:
+            message.append(_('Added:'))
+            message.extend(reviewers_message(added))
+        if removed:
+            message.append(_('Removed:'))
+            message.extend(reviewers_message(removed))
+        return ' '.join(message)
+    def batch_reviewers_updated(self, added, **kwargs):
+        base = [_('Batch Reviewers Updated.')]
+        base.extend(
+            [
+                _('{user} as {name}.').format(user=str(user),
+                for role, user in added
+                if user
+            ]
+        )
+        return ' '.join(base)
+    def batch_determination(self, sources, determinations, **kwargs):
+        submission = sources[0]
+        determination = determinations[]
+        return self.messages[MESSAGES.DETERMINATION_OUTCOME].format(
+            determination=determination,
+        )
+    def handle_batch_delete_submission(self, sources, **kwargs):
+        submissions = sources
+        submissions_text = ', '.join([submission.title for submission in submissions])
+        return _('Successfully deleted submissions: {title}').format(
+            title=submissions_text
+        )
+    def handle_transition(self, old_phase, source, **kwargs):
+        submission = source
+        base_message = _('Progressed from {old_display} to {new_display}')
+        new_phase = submission.phase
+        staff_message = base_message.format(
+            old_display=old_phase.display_name,
+            new_display=new_phase.display_name,
+        )
+        if new_phase.permissions.can_view(submission.user):
+            # we need to provide a different message to the applicant
+            if not old_phase.permissions.can_view(submission.user):
+                old_phase = submission.workflow.previous_visible(
+                    old_phase, submission.user
+                )
+            applicant_message = base_message.format(
+                old_display=old_phase.public_name,
+                new_display=new_phase.public_name,
+            )
+            return json.dumps(
+                {
+                    TEAM: staff_message,
+                    ALL: applicant_message,
+                }
+            )
+        return staff_message
+    def handle_batch_transition(self, transitions, sources, **kwargs):
+        submissions = sources
+        kwargs.pop('source')
+        for submission in submissions:
+            old_phase = transitions[]
+            return self.handle_transition(
+                old_phase=old_phase, source=submission, **kwargs
+            )
+    def partners_updated(self, added, removed, **kwargs):
+        message = [_('Partners updated.')]
+        if added:
+            message.append(_('Added:'))
+            message.append(', '.join([str(user) for user in added]) + '.')
+        if removed:
+            message.append(_('Removed:'))
+            message.append(', '.join([str(user) for user in removed]) + '.')
+        return ' '.join(message)
+    def handle_report_frequency(self, config, **kwargs):
+        new_schedule = config.get_frequency_display()
+        return _(
+            'Updated reporting frequency. New schedule is: {new_schedule} starting on {schedule_start}'
+        ).format(new_schedule=new_schedule, schedule_start=config.schedule_start)
+    def handle_skipped_report(self, report, **kwargs):
+        if report.skipped:
+            return "Skipped a Report"
+        else:
+            return "Marked a Report as required"
+    def handle_update_invoice_status(self, invoice, **kwargs):
+        invoice_status_change = _('Updated Invoice status to: {status}.').format(
+            status=invoice.status_display
+        )
+        return invoice_status_change
+    def send_message(self, message, user, source, sources, **kwargs):
+        from ..models import Activity
+        visibility = kwargs.get('visibility', ALL)
+        related = kwargs['related']
+        if isinstance(related, dict):
+            try:
+                related = related[]
+            except KeyError:
+                pass
+        has_correct_fields = all(
+            hasattr(related, attr) for attr in ['get_absolute_url']
+        )
+        isnt_source = source != related
+        is_model = isinstance(related, DjangoModel)
+        if has_correct_fields and isnt_source and is_model:
+            related_object = related
+        else:
+            related_object = None
+        Activity.actions.create(
+            user=user,
+            source=source,
+  ,
+            message=message,
+            visibility=visibility,
+            related_object=related_object,
+        )
+    def handle_screening_statuses(self, source, old_status, **kwargs):
+        new_status = ', '.join([s.title for s in source.screening_statuses.all()])
+        return _('Screening status from {old_status} to {new_status}').format(
+            old_status=old_status, new_status=new_status
+        )
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index 000000000..ba6b665f2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/hypha/apply/activity/adapters/
@@ -0,0 +1,207 @@
+from django.conf import settings
+from django.contrib import messages
+from hypha.apply.activity.options import MESSAGES
+neat_related = {
+    MESSAGES.UPDATE_LEAD: 'old_lead',
+    MESSAGES.NEW_REVIEW: 'review',
+    MESSAGES.TRANSITION: 'old_phase',
+    MESSAGES.BATCH_TRANSITION: 'transitions',
+    MESSAGES.COMMENT: 'comment',
+    MESSAGES.SCREENING: 'old_status',
+    MESSAGES.EDIT_REVIEW: 'review',
+    MESSAGES.CREATED_PROJECT: 'submission',
+    MESSAGES.CREATE_INVOICE: 'create_invoice',
+class AdapterBase:
+    messages = {}
+    always_send = False
+    def message(self, message_type, **kwargs):
+        try:
+            message = self.messages[message_type]
+        except KeyError:
+            # We don't know how to handle that message type
+            return
+        try:
+            # see if its a method on the adapter
+            method = getattr(self, message)
+        except AttributeError:
+            return self.render_message(message, **kwargs)
+        else:
+            # Delegate all responsibility to the custom method
+            return method(**kwargs)
+    def render_message(self, message, **kwargs):
+        return message.format(**kwargs)
+    def extra_kwargs(self, message_type, **kwargs):
+        return {}
+    def get_neat_related(self, message_type, related):
+        # We translate the related kwarg into something we can understand
+        try:
+            neat_name = neat_related[message_type]
+        except KeyError:
+            # Message type doesn't expect a related object
+            if related:
+                raise ValueError(
+                    f"Unexpected 'related' kwarg provided for {message_type}"
+                ) from None
+            return {}
+        else:
+            if not related:
+                raise ValueError(f"{message_type} expects a 'related' kwarg")
+            return {neat_name: related}
+    def recipients(self, message_type, **kwargs):
+        raise NotImplementedError()
+    def batch_recipients(self, message_type, sources, **kwargs):
+        # Default batch recipients is to send a message to each of the recipients that would
+        # receive a message under normal conditions
+        return [
+            {
+                'recipients': self.recipients(message_type, source=source, **kwargs),
+                'sources': [source],
+            }
+            for source in sources
+        ]
+    def process_batch(
+        self, message_type, events, request, user, sources, related=None, **kwargs
+    ):
+        events_by_source = { event for event in events}
+        for recipient in self.batch_recipients(
+            message_type, sources, user=user, **kwargs
+        ):
+            recipients = recipient['recipients']
+            sources = recipient['sources']
+            events = [events_by_source[] for source in sources]
+            self.process_send(
+                message_type,
+                recipients,
+                events,
+                request,
+                user,
+                sources=sources,
+                source=None,
+                related=related,
+                **kwargs,
+            )
+    def process(
+        self, message_type, event, request, user, source, related=None, **kwargs
+    ):
+        recipients = self.recipients(
+            message_type, source=source, related=related, user=user, **kwargs
+        )
+        self.process_send(
+            message_type,
+            recipients,
+            [event],
+            request,
+            user,
+            source,
+            related=related,
+            **kwargs,
+        )
+    def process_send(
+        self,
+        message_type,
+        recipients,
+        events,
+        request,
+        user,
+        source,
+        sources=list(),
+        related=None,
+        **kwargs,
+    ):
+        try:
+            # If this was a batch action we want to pull out the submission
+            source = sources[0]
+        except IndexError:
+            pass
+        kwargs = {
+            'request': request,
+            'user': user,
+            'source': source,
+            'sources': sources,
+            'related': related,
+            **kwargs,
+        }
+        kwargs.update(self.get_neat_related(message_type, related))
+        kwargs.update(self.extra_kwargs(message_type, **kwargs))
+        message = self.message(message_type, **kwargs)
+        if not message:
+            return
+        for recipient in recipients:
+            message_logs = self.create_logs(message, recipient, *events)
+            if settings.SEND_MESSAGES or self.always_send:
+                status = self.send_message(
+                    message, recipient=recipient, logs=message_logs, **kwargs
+                )
+            else:
+                status = 'Message not sent as SEND_MESSAGES==FALSE'
+            message_logs.update_status(status)
+            if not settings.SEND_MESSAGES:
+                if recipient:
+                    debug_message = '{} [to: {}]: {}'.format(
+                        self.adapter_type, recipient, message
+                    )
+                else:
+                    debug_message = '{}: {}'.format(self.adapter_type, message)
+                messages.add_message(request, messages.DEBUG, debug_message)
+    def create_logs(self, message, recipient, *events):
+        from ..models import Message
+        messages = Message.objects.bulk_create(
+            Message(**self.log_kwargs(message, recipient, event)) for event in events
+        )
+        return Message.objects.filter(id__in=[ for message in messages])
+    def log_kwargs(self, message, recipient, event):
+        return {
+            'type': self.adapter_type,
+            'content': message,
+            'recipient': recipient or '',
+            'event': event,
+        }
+    def send_message(self, message, **kwargs):
+        # Process the message, should return the result of the send
+        # Returning None will not record this action
+        raise NotImplementedError()
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index 000000000..94add8ca5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/hypha/apply/activity/adapters/
@@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
+from django.contrib import messages
+from django.utils.translation import gettext as _
+from hypha.apply.activity.options import MESSAGES
+from .base import AdapterBase
+class DjangoMessagesAdapter(AdapterBase):
+    adapter_type = 'Django'
+    always_send = True
+    messages = {
+        MESSAGES.BATCH_REVIEWERS_UPDATED: 'batch_reviewers_updated',
+        MESSAGES.BATCH_TRANSITION: 'batch_transition',
+        MESSAGES.BATCH_DETERMINATION_OUTCOME: 'batch_determinations',
+        MESSAGES.UPLOAD_DOCUMENT: _('Successfully uploaded document'),
+        MESSAGES.REMOVE_DOCUMENT: _('Successfully removed document'),
+        MESSAGES.SKIPPED_REPORT: 'handle_skipped_report',
+        MESSAGES.REPORT_FREQUENCY_CHANGED: 'handle_report_frequency',
+        MESSAGES.CREATE_REMINDER: _('Reminder created'),
+        MESSAGES.DELETE_REMINDER: _('Reminder deleted'),
+    }
+    def batch_reviewers_updated(self, added, sources, **kwargs):
+        reviewers_text = ' '.join([
+            _('{user} as {name},').format(user=str(user),
+            for role, user in added
+            if user
+        ])
+        return (
+            _('Batch reviewers added: {reviewers_text} to ').format(reviewers_text=reviewers_text) + ', '.join(['"{title}"'.format(title=source.title) for source in sources])
+        )
+    def handle_report_frequency(self, config, **kwargs):
+        new_schedule = config.get_frequency_display()
+        return _('Successfully updated reporting frequency. They will now report {new_schedule} starting on {schedule_start}').format(new_schedule=new_schedule, schedule_start=config.schedule_start)
+    def handle_skipped_report(self, report, **kwargs):
+        if report.skipped:
+            return _('Successfully skipped a Report for {start_date} to {end_date}').format(start_date=report.start_date, end_date=report.end_date)
+        else:
+            return _('Successfully unskipped a Report for {start_date} to {end_date}').format(start_date=report.start_date, end_date=report.end_date)
+    def batch_transition(self, sources, transitions, **kwargs):
+        base_message = 'Successfully updated:'
+        transition = '{submission} [{old_display} → {new_display}].'
+        transition_messages = [
+            transition.format(
+                submission=submission.title,
+                old_display=transitions[],
+                new_display=submission.phase,
+            ) for submission in sources
+        ]
+        messages = [base_message, *transition_messages]
+        return ' '.join(messages)
+    def batch_determinations(self, sources, determinations, **kwargs):
+        submissions = sources
+        outcome = determinations[submissions[0].id].clean_outcome
+        base_message = _('Successfully determined as {outcome}: ').format(outcome=outcome)
+        submissions_text = [
+            str(submission.title) for submission in submissions
+        ]
+        return base_message + ', '.join(submissions_text)
+    def recipients(self, *args, **kwargs):
+        return [None]
+    def batch_recipients(self, message_type, sources, *args, **kwargs):
+        return [{
+            'recipients': [None],
+            'sources': sources,
+        }]
+    def send_message(self, message, request, **kwargs):
+        messages.add_message(request, messages.INFO, message)
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index 000000000..f502b8c67
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@@ -0,0 +1,287 @@
+import logging
+from collections import defaultdict
+from django.conf import settings
+from django.template.loader import render_to_string
+from django.utils.translation import gettext as _
+from hypha.apply.projects.models.payment import CHANGES_REQUESTED_BY_STAFF, DECLINED
+from ..options import MESSAGES
+from ..tasks import send_mail
+from .base import AdapterBase
+from .utils import is_ready_for_review, is_reviewer_update, is_transition
+logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+class EmailAdapter(AdapterBase):
+    adapter_type = 'Email'
+    messages = {
+        MESSAGES.NEW_SUBMISSION: 'messages/email/submission_confirmation.html',
+        MESSAGES.COMMENT: 'notify_comment',
+        MESSAGES.EDIT_SUBMISSION: 'messages/email/submission_edit.html',
+        MESSAGES.TRANSITION: 'handle_transition',
+        MESSAGES.BATCH_TRANSITION: 'handle_batch_transition',
+        MESSAGES.DETERMINATION_OUTCOME: 'handle_determination',
+        MESSAGES.BATCH_DETERMINATION_OUTCOME: 'handle_batch_determination',
+        MESSAGES.INVITED_TO_PROPOSAL: 'messages/email/invited_to_proposal.html',
+        MESSAGES.BATCH_READY_FOR_REVIEW: 'handle_batch_ready_for_review',
+        MESSAGES.READY_FOR_REVIEW: 'handle_ready_for_review',
+        MESSAGES.REVIEWERS_UPDATED: 'handle_ready_for_review',
+        MESSAGES.BATCH_REVIEWERS_UPDATED: 'handle_batch_ready_for_review',
+        MESSAGES.PARTNERS_UPDATED: 'partners_updated_applicant',
+        MESSAGES.PARTNERS_UPDATED_PARTNER: 'partners_updated_partner',
+        MESSAGES.UPLOAD_CONTRACT: 'messages/email/contract_uploaded.html',
+        MESSAGES.CREATED_PROJECT: 'handle_project_created',
+        MESSAGES.UPDATED_VENDOR: 'handle_vendor_updated',
+        MESSAGES.SENT_TO_COMPLIANCE: 'messages/email/sent_to_compliance.html',
+        MESSAGES.UPDATE_INVOICE: 'handle_invoice_updated',
+        MESSAGES.UPDATE_INVOICE_STATUS: 'handle_invoice_status_updated',
+        MESSAGES.SUBMIT_REPORT: 'messages/email/report_submitted.html',
+        MESSAGES.SKIPPED_REPORT: 'messages/email/report_skipped.html',
+        MESSAGES.REPORT_FREQUENCY_CHANGED: 'messages/email/report_frequency.html',
+        MESSAGES.REPORT_NOTIFY: 'messages/email/report_notify.html',
+        MESSAGES.REVIEW_REMINDER: 'messages/email/ready_to_review.html',
+    }
+    def get_subject(self, message_type, source):
+        if source:
+            if is_ready_for_review(message_type) or is_reviewer_update(message_type):
+                subject = _('Application ready to review: {source.title}').format(
+                    source=source
+                )
+                if message_type in {
+                }:
+                    subject = _('Multiple applications are now ready for your review')
+            elif message_type in {MESSAGES.REVIEW_REMINDER}:
+                subject = _(
+                    'Reminder: Application ready to review: {source.title}'
+                ).format(source=source)
+            else:
+                try:
+                    subject = or _(
+                        'Your application to {org_long_name}: {source.title}'
+                    ).format(org_long_name=settings.ORG_LONG_NAME, source=source)
+                except AttributeError:
+                    subject = _('Your {org_long_name} Project: {source.title}').format(
+                        org_long_name=settings.ORG_LONG_NAME, source=source
+                    )
+            return subject
+    def extra_kwargs(self, message_type, source, sources, **kwargs):
+        return {
+            'subject': self.get_subject(message_type, source),
+        }
+    def handle_transition(self, old_phase, source, **kwargs):
+        from hypha.apply.funds.workflow import PHASES
+        submission = source
+        # Retrive status index to see if we are going forward or backward.
+        old_index = list(dict(PHASES).keys()).index(
+        target_index = list(dict(PHASES).keys()).index(submission.status)
+        is_forward = old_index < target_index
+        if is_forward:
+            return self.render_message(
+                'messages/email/transition.html',
+                source=submission,
+                old_phase=old_phase,
+                **kwargs,
+            )
+    def handle_batch_transition(self, transitions, sources, **kwargs):
+        submissions = sources
+        kwargs.pop('source')
+        for submission in submissions:
+            old_phase = transitions[]
+            return self.handle_transition(
+                old_phase=old_phase, source=submission, **kwargs
+            )
+    def handle_invoice_status_updated(self, related, **kwargs):
+        return self.render_message(
+            'messages/email/invoice_status_updated.html',
+            has_changes_requested=related.has_changes_requested,
+            **kwargs,
+        )
+    def handle_invoice_updated(self, **kwargs):
+        return self.render_message(
+            'messages/email/invoice_updated.html',
+            **kwargs,
+        )
+    def handle_project_created(self, source, **kwargs):
+        from hypha.apply.projects.models import ProjectSettings
+        request = kwargs.get('request')
+        project_settings = ProjectSettings.for_request(request)
+        if project_settings.vendor_setup_required:
+            return self.render_message(
+                'messages/email/vendor_setup_needed.html', source=source, **kwargs
+            )
+    def handle_vendor_updated(self, source, **kwargs):
+        return self.render_message(
+            'messages/email/vendor_updated.html',
+            source=source,
+            **kwargs,
+        )
+    def handle_determination(self, determination, source, **kwargs):
+        submission = source
+        if determination.send_notice:
+            return self.render_message(
+                'messages/email/determination.html',
+                source=submission,
+                determination=determination,
+                **kwargs,
+            )
+    def handle_batch_determination(self, determinations, sources, **kwargs):
+        submissions = sources
+        kwargs.pop('source')
+        for submission in submissions:
+            determination = determinations[]
+            return self.render_message(
+                'messages/email/determination.html',
+                source=submission,
+                determination=determination,
+                **kwargs,
+            )
+    def handle_ready_for_review(self, request, source, **kwargs):
+        if settings.SEND_READY_FOR_REVIEW:
+            return self.render_message(
+                'messages/email/ready_to_review.html',
+                source=source,
+                request=request,
+                **kwargs,
+            )
+    def handle_batch_ready_for_review(self, request, sources, **kwargs):
+        if settings.SEND_READY_FOR_REVIEW:
+            return self.render_message(
+                'messages/email/batch_ready_to_review.html',
+                sources=sources,
+                request=request,
+                **kwargs,
+            )
+    def notify_comment(self, **kwargs):
+        comment = kwargs['comment']
+        source = kwargs['source']
+        if not comment.priviledged and not comment.user == source.user:
+            return self.render_message('messages/email/comment.html', **kwargs)
+    def recipients(self, message_type, source, user, **kwargs):
+        if is_ready_for_review(message_type):
+            return self.reviewers(source)
+        if is_reviewer_update(message_type):
+            # Notify newly added reviewers only if they can review in the current phase
+            reviewers = self.reviewers(source)
+            added = kwargs.get("added", [])
+            return [
+                for assigned_reviewer in added
+                if in reviewers
+            ]
+        if is_transition(message_type):
+            # Only notify the applicant if the new phase can be seen within the workflow
+            if not source.phase.permissions.can_view(source.user):
+                return []
+        if message_type == MESSAGES.PARTNERS_UPDATED_PARTNER:
+            partners = kwargs['added']
+            return [ for partner in partners]
+        if message_type == MESSAGES.SENT_TO_COMPLIANCE:
+            from hypha.apply.projects.models import ProjectSettings
+            project_settings = ProjectSettings.objects.first()
+            if project_settings is None:
+                # TODO: what to do when this isn't configured??
+                return []
+            return [project_settings.compliance_email]
+            # Don't tell the user if they did these activities
+            if user.is_applicant:
+                return []
+        if message_type in {MESSAGES.REVIEW_REMINDER}:
+            return self.reviewers(source)
+        if message_type == MESSAGES.UPDATE_INVOICE_STATUS:
+            related = kwargs.get('related', None)
+            if related:
+                if related.status in {CHANGES_REQUESTED_BY_STAFF, DECLINED}:
+                    return []
+            return []
+        return []
+    def batch_recipients(self, message_type, sources, **kwargs):
+        if not (is_ready_for_review(message_type) or is_reviewer_update(message_type)):
+            return super().batch_recipients(message_type, sources, **kwargs)
+        added = [ for _, reviewer in kwargs.get("added", []) if reviewer]
+        reviewers_to_message = defaultdict(list)
+        for source in sources:
+            reviewers = self.reviewers(source)
+            for reviewer in reviewers:
+                if not is_reviewer_update(message_type) or reviewer in added:
+                    reviewers_to_message[reviewer].append(source)
+        return [
+            {
+                'recipients': [reviewer],
+                'sources': sources,
+            }
+            for reviewer, sources in reviewers_to_message.items()
+        ]
+    def reviewers(self, source):
+        return [
+            for reviewer in source.missing_reviewers.all()
+            if source.phase.permissions.can_review(reviewer)
+            and not reviewer.is_apply_staff
+        ]
+    def partners_updated_applicant(self, added, removed, **kwargs):
+        if added:
+            return self.render_message(
+                'messages/email/partners_update_applicant.html', added=added, **kwargs
+            )
+    def partners_updated_partner(self, added, removed, **kwargs):
+        for partner in added:
+            return self.render_message(
+                'messages/email/partners_update_partner.html', **kwargs
+            )
+    def render_message(self, template, **kwargs):
+        return render_to_string(template, kwargs, kwargs['request'])
+    def send_message(self, message, source, subject, recipient, logs, **kwargs):
+        try:
+            from_email =
+        except AttributeError:  # we're dealing with a project
+            from_email =
+        except Exception as e:
+            from_email = None
+            logger.exception(e)
+        try:
+            send_mail(subject, message, from_email, [recipient], logs=logs)
+        except Exception as e:
+            return 'Error: ' + str(e)
diff --git a/hypha/apply/activity/adapters/ b/hypha/apply/activity/adapters/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..79a4a71e4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/hypha/apply/activity/adapters/
@@ -0,0 +1,353 @@
+import logging
+from django.conf import settings
+from django.contrib.auth import get_user_model
+from django.utils.translation import gettext as _
+from django_slack import slack_message
+from hypha.apply.activity.adapters.base import AdapterBase
+from hypha.apply.activity.adapters.utils import link_to, reviewers_message
+from hypha.apply.activity.options import MESSAGES
+from hypha.apply.projects.models.payment import (
+    PAID,
+logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+User = get_user_model()
+class SlackAdapter(AdapterBase):
+    adapter_type = "Slack"
+    always_send = True
+    messages = {
+        MESSAGES.NEW_SUBMISSION: _('A new submission has been submitted for {}: <{link}|{source.title}>'),
+        MESSAGES.UPDATE_LEAD: _('The lead of <{link}|{source.title}> has been updated from {old_lead} to {source.lead} by {user}'),
+        MESSAGES.BATCH_UPDATE_LEAD: 'handle_batch_lead',
+        MESSAGES.COMMENT: _('A new {comment.visibility} comment has been posted on <{link}|{source.title}> by {user}'),
+        MESSAGES.EDIT_SUBMISSION: _('{user} has edited <{link}|{source.title}>'),
+        MESSAGES.APPLICANT_EDIT: _('{user} has edited <{link}|{source.title}>'),
+        MESSAGES.REVIEWERS_UPDATED: 'reviewers_updated',
+        MESSAGES.BATCH_REVIEWERS_UPDATED: 'handle_batch_reviewers',
+        MESSAGES.PARTNERS_UPDATED: _('{user} has updated the partners on <{link}|{source.title}>'),
+        MESSAGES.TRANSITION: _('{user} has updated the status of <{link}|{source.title}>: {old_phase.display_name} → {source.phase}'),
+        MESSAGES.BATCH_TRANSITION: 'handle_batch_transition',
+        MESSAGES.DETERMINATION_OUTCOME: 'handle_determination',
+        MESSAGES.BATCH_DETERMINATION_OUTCOME: 'handle_batch_determination',
+        MESSAGES.PROPOSAL_SUBMITTED: _('A proposal has been submitted for review: <{link}|{source.title}>'),
+        MESSAGES.INVITED_TO_PROPOSAL: _('<{link}|{source.title}> by {source.user} has been invited to submit a proposal'),
+        MESSAGES.NEW_REVIEW: _('{user} has submitted a review for <{link}|{source.title}>. Outcome: {review.outcome},  Score: {review.get_score_display}'),
+        MESSAGES.READY_FOR_REVIEW: 'notify_reviewers',
+        MESSAGES.OPENED_SEALED: _('{user} has opened the sealed submission: <{link}|{source.title}>'),
+        MESSAGES.REVIEW_OPINION: _('{user} {opinion.opinion_display}s with {}s review of <{link}|{source.title}>'),
+        MESSAGES.BATCH_READY_FOR_REVIEW: 'batch_notify_reviewers',
+        MESSAGES.DELETE_SUBMISSION: _('{user} has deleted {source.title}'),
+        MESSAGES.DELETE_REVIEW: _('{user} has deleted {} review for <{link}|{source.title}>'),
+        MESSAGES.CREATED_PROJECT: _('{user} has created a Project: <{link}|{source.title}>'),
+        MESSAGES.UPDATE_PROJECT_LEAD: _('The lead of project <{link}|{source.title}> has been updated from {old_lead} to {source.lead} by {user}'),
+        MESSAGES.EDIT_REVIEW: _('{user} has edited {} review for <{link}|{source.title}>'),
+        MESSAGES.SEND_FOR_APPROVAL: _('{user} has requested approval on project <{link}|{source.title}>'),
+        MESSAGES.APPROVE_PROJECT: _('{user} has approved project <{link}|{source.title}>'),
+        MESSAGES.REQUEST_PROJECT_CHANGE: _('{user} has requested changes for project acceptance on <{link}|{source.title}>'),
+        MESSAGES.UPLOAD_CONTRACT: _('{user} has uploaded a contract for <{link}|{source.title}>'),
+        MESSAGES.APPROVE_CONTRACT: _('{user} has approved contract for <{link}|{source.title}>'),
+        MESSAGES.CREATE_INVOICE: _('{user} has created invoice for <{link}|{source.title}>'),
+        MESSAGES.UPDATE_INVOICE_STATUS: _('{user} has changed the status of <{link_related}|invoice> on <{link}|{source.title}> to {invoice.status_display}'),
+        MESSAGES.DELETE_INVOICE: _('{user} has deleted invoice from <{link}|{source.title}>'),
+        MESSAGES.UPDATE_INVOICE: _('{user} has updated invoice for <{link}|{source.title}>'),
+        MESSAGES.SUBMIT_REPORT: _('{user} has submitted a report for <{link}|{source.title}>'),
+        MESSAGES.BATCH_DELETE_SUBMISSION: 'handle_batch_delete_submission',
+    }
+    def __init__(self):
+        super().__init__()
+        self.destination = settings.SLACK_ENDPOINT_URL
+        self.target_room = settings.SLACK_DESTINATION_ROOM
+        self.comments_room = settings.SLACK_DESTINATION_ROOM_COMMENTS
+        self.comments_type = settings.SLACK_TYPE_COMMENTS
+    def slack_links(self, links, sources):
+        return ', '.join(f'<{links[]}|{source.title}>' for source in sources)
+    def extra_kwargs(self, message_type, **kwargs):
+        source = kwargs['source']
+        sources = kwargs['sources']
+        request = kwargs['request']
+        related = kwargs['related']
+        link = link_to(source, request)
+        link_related = link_to(related, request)
+        links = { link_to(source, request) for source in sources}
+        return {
+            'link': link,
+            'link_related': link_related,
+            'links': links,
+        }
+    def recipients(self, message_type, source, related, **kwargs):
+        if message_type == MESSAGES.SEND_FOR_APPROVAL:
+            return [
+                self.slack_id(user)
+                for user in User.objects.approvers()
+                if self.slack_id(user)
+            ]
+        recipients = [self.slack_id(source.lead)]
+        # Notify second reviewer when first reviewer is done.
+        if message_type == MESSAGES.NEW_REVIEW and related:
+            submission = source
+            if (
+                submission.assigned.with_roles().count() == 2
+                and
+                == submission.assigned.with_roles().first().reviewer
+            ):
+                recipients.append(
+                    self.slack_id(submission.assigned.with_roles().last().reviewer)
+                )
+        if message_type == MESSAGES.UPDATE_INVOICE_STATUS:
+            if related.status in [
+                SUBMITTED,
+                RESUBMITTED,
+                APPROVED_BY_FINANCE_2,
+                CONVERTED,
+                PAID,
+            ]:
+                # Notify project lead/staff
+                return recipients
+            if related.status in [APPROVED_BY_STAFF, CHANGES_REQUESTED_BY_FINANCE_2]:
+                # Notify finance 1
+                return [
+                    self.slack_id(user)
+                    for user in User.objects.finances_level_1()
+                    if self.slack_id(user)
+                ]
+            if related.status in [APPROVED_BY_FINANCE_1]:
+                # Notify finance 2
+                return [
+                    self.slack_id(user)
+                    for user in User.objects.finances_level_2()
+                    if self.slack_id(user)
+                ]
+            return []
+        return recipients
+    def batch_recipients(self, message_type, sources, **kwargs):
+        # We group the messages by lead
+        leads = User.objects.filter(id__in=sources.values('lead'))
+        return [
+            {
+                'recipients': [self.slack_id(lead)],
+                'sources': sources.filter(lead=lead),
+            }
+            for lead in leads
+        ]
+    def reviewers_updated(
+        self, source, link, user, added=list(), removed=list(), **kwargs
+    ):
+        submission = source
+        message = [
+            _('{user} has updated the reviewers on <{link}|{title}>').format(
+                user=user, link=link, title=submission.title
+            )
+        ]
+        if added:
+            message.append(_('Added:'))
+            message.extend(reviewers_message(added))
+        if removed:
+            message.append(_('Removed:'))
+            message.extend(reviewers_message(removed))
+        return ' '.join(message)
+    def handle_batch_lead(self, sources, links, user, new_lead, **kwargs):
+        submissions = sources
+        submissions_text = self.slack_links(links, submissions)
+        return _(
+            '{user} has batch changed lead to {new_lead} on: {submissions_text}'
+        ).format(
+            user=user,
+            submissions_text=submissions_text,
+            new_lead=new_lead,
+        )
+    def handle_batch_reviewers(self, sources, links, user, added, **kwargs):
+        submissions = sources
+        submissions_text = self.slack_links(links, submissions)
+        reviewers_text = ' '.join(
+            [
+                _('{user} as {name},').format(user=str(user),
+                for role, user in added
+                if user
+            ]
+        )
+        return _(
+            '{user} has batch added {reviewers_text} as reviewers on: {submissions_text}'
+        ).format(
+            user=user,
+            submissions_text=submissions_text,
+            reviewers_text=reviewers_text,
+        )
+    def handle_batch_transition(self, user, links, sources, transitions, **kwargs):
+        submissions = sources
+        submissions_text = [
+            ': '.join(
+                [
+                    self.slack_links(links, [submission]),
+                    f'{transitions[].display_name} → {submission.phase}',
+                ]
+            )
+            for submission in submissions
+        ]
+        submissions_links = ','.join(submissions_text)
+        return _(
+            '{user} has transitioned the following submissions: {submissions_links}'
+        ).format(
+            user=user,
+            submissions_links=submissions_links,
+        )
+    def handle_determination(self, source, link, determination, **kwargs):
+        submission = source
+        if determination.send_notice:
+            return _(
+                'A determination for <{link}|{submission_title}> was sent by email. Outcome: {determination_outcome}'
+            ).format(
+                link=link,
+                submission_title=submission.title,
+                determination_outcome=determination.clean_outcome,
+            )
+        return _(
+            'A determination for <{link}|{submission_title}> was saved without sending an email. Outcome: {determination_outcome}'
+        ).format(
+            link=link,
+            submission_title=submission.title,
+            determination_outcome=determination.clean_outcome,
+        )
+    def handle_batch_determination(self, sources, links, determinations, **kwargs):
+        submissions = sources
+        submissions_links = ','.join(
+            [self.slack_links(links, [submission]) for submission in submissions]
+        )
+        outcome = determinations[submissions[0].id].clean_outcome
+        return _(
+            'Determinations of {outcome} was sent for: {submissions_links}'
+        ).format(
+            outcome=outcome,
+            submissions_links=submissions_links,
+        )
+    def handle_batch_delete_submission(self, sources, links, user, **kwargs):
+        submissions = sources
+        submissions_text = ', '.join([submission.title for submission in submissions])
+        return _('{user} has deleted submissions: {title}').format(
+            user=user, title=submissions_text
+        )
+    def notify_reviewers(self, source, link, **kwargs):
+        submission = source
+        reviewers_to_notify = []
+        for reviewer in submission.reviewers.all():
+            if submission.phase.permissions.can_review(reviewer):
+                reviewers_to_notify.append(reviewer)
+        reviewers = ', '.join(str(reviewer) for reviewer in reviewers_to_notify)
+        return _(
+            '<{link}|{title}> is ready for review. The following are assigned as reviewers: {reviewers}'
+        ).format(
+            link=link,
+            reviewers=reviewers,
+            title=submission.title,
+        )
+    def batch_notify_reviewers(self, sources, links, **kwargs):
+        kwargs.pop('source')
+        kwargs.pop('link')
+        return '. '.join(
+            self.notify_reviewers(source, link=links[], **kwargs)
+            for source in sources
+        )
+    def slack_id(self, user):
+        if user is None:
+            return ''
+        if not user.slack:
+            return ''
+        return f'<{user.slack}>'
+    def slack_channels(self, source, **kwargs):
+        # Set the default room as a start.
+        target_rooms = [self.target_room]
+        try:
+            fund_slack_channel = source.get_from_parent('slack_channel').split(',')
+        except AttributeError:
+            # Not a submission object.
+            pass
+        else:
+            # If there are custom rooms, set them in place of the default room
+            custom_rooms = [channel for channel in fund_slack_channel if channel]
+            if len(custom_rooms) > 0:
+                target_rooms = custom_rooms
+        try:
+            comment = kwargs['comment']
+        except KeyError:
+            # Not a comment, no extra rooms.
+            pass
+        else:
+            if self.comments_room:
+                if any(self.comments_type):
+                    if comment.visibility in self.comments_type:
+                        target_rooms.extend([self.comments_room])
+                else:
+                    target_rooms.extend([self.comments_room])
+        # Make sure each channel name starts with a "#".
+        target_rooms = [
+            room.strip() if room.startswith('#') else '#' + room.strip()
+            for room in target_rooms
+            if room
+        ]
+        return target_rooms
+    def send_message(self, message, recipient, source, **kwargs):
+        target_rooms = self.slack_channels(source, **kwargs)
+        if not any(target_rooms) or not settings.SLACK_TOKEN:
+            errors = list()
+            if not target_rooms:
+                errors.append('Room ID')
+            if not settings.SLACK_TOKEN:
+                errors.append('Slack Token')
+            return 'Missing configuration: {}'.format(', '.join(errors))
+        message = ' '.join([recipient, message]).strip()
+        data = {
+            "message": message,
+        }
+        for room in target_rooms:
+            try:
+                slack_message('messages/slack_message.html', data, channel=room)
+            except Exception as e:
+                logger.exception(e)
+                return '400: Bad Request'
+        return '200: OK'
diff --git a/hypha/apply/activity/adapters/ b/hypha/apply/activity/adapters/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..2b337b8dc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/hypha/apply/activity/adapters/
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+from collections import defaultdict
+from django.utils.translation import gettext as _
+from hypha.apply.activity.options import MESSAGES
+def link_to(target, request):
+    if target and hasattr(target, 'get_absolute_url'):
+        return request.scheme + '://' + request.get_host() + target.get_absolute_url()
+def group_reviewers(reviewers):
+    groups = defaultdict(list)
+    for reviewer in reviewers:
+        groups[reviewer.role].append(reviewer.reviewer)
+    return groups
+def reviewers_message(reviewers):
+    messages = []
+    for role, reviewers in group_reviewers(reviewers).items():
+        message = ', '.join(str(reviewer) for reviewer in reviewers)
+        if role:
+            message += _(' as {role}').format(role=str(role))
+        message += '.'
+        messages.append(message)
+    return messages
+def is_transition(message_type):
+def is_ready_for_review(message_type):
+def is_reviewer_update(message_type):
diff --git a/hypha/apply/activity/ b/hypha/apply/activity/
index 5343d689b..74d095ed1 100644
--- a/hypha/apply/activity/
+++ b/hypha/apply/activity/
@@ -1,1076 +1,13 @@
-import json
 import logging
-from collections import defaultdict
-from django.conf import settings
-from django.contrib import messages
 from django.contrib.auth import get_user_model
-from django.db import models
-from django.template.loader import render_to_string
-from django.utils import timezone
-from django.utils.translation import gettext as _
-from django_slack import slack_message
-from hypha.apply.projects.models.payment import (
-    PAID,
-from .models import ALL, TEAM
-from .options import MESSAGES
-from .tasks import send_mail
+from .adapters import ActivityAdapter, DjangoMessagesAdapter, EmailAdapter, SlackAdapter
 logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
 User = get_user_model()
-def link_to(target, request):
-    if target and hasattr(target, 'get_absolute_url'):
-        return request.scheme + '://' + request.get_host() + target.get_absolute_url()
-def group_reviewers(reviewers):
-    groups = defaultdict(list)
-    for reviewer in reviewers:
-        groups[reviewer.role].append(reviewer.reviewer)
-    return groups
-def reviewers_message(reviewers):
-    messages = []
-    for role, reviewers in group_reviewers(reviewers).items():
-        message = ', '.join(str(reviewer) for reviewer in reviewers)
-        if role:
-            message += _(' as {role}').format(role=str(role))
-        message += '.'
-        messages.append(message)
-    return messages
-neat_related = {
-    MESSAGES.UPDATE_LEAD: 'old_lead',
-    MESSAGES.NEW_REVIEW: 'review',
-    MESSAGES.TRANSITION: 'old_phase',
-    MESSAGES.BATCH_TRANSITION: 'transitions',
-    MESSAGES.COMMENT: 'comment',
-    MESSAGES.SCREENING: 'old_status',
-    MESSAGES.EDIT_REVIEW: 'review',
-    MESSAGES.CREATED_PROJECT: 'submission',
-    MESSAGES.CREATE_INVOICE: 'create_invoice',
-def is_transition(message_type):
-def is_ready_for_review(message_type):
-def is_reviewer_update(message_type):
-class AdapterBase:
-    messages = {}
-    always_send = False
-    def message(self, message_type, **kwargs):
-        try:
-            message = self.messages[message_type]
-        except KeyError:
-            # We don't know how to handle that message type
-            return
-        try:
-            # see if its a method on the adapter
-            method = getattr(self, message)
-        except AttributeError:
-            return self.render_message(message, **kwargs)
-        else:
-            # Delegate all responsibility to the custom method
-            return method(**kwargs)
-    def render_message(self, message, **kwargs):
-        return message.format(**kwargs)
-    def extra_kwargs(self, message_type, **kwargs):
-        return {}
-    def get_neat_related(self, message_type, related):
-        # We translate the related kwarg into something we can understand
-        try:
-            neat_name = neat_related[message_type]
-        except KeyError:
-            # Message type doesn't expect a related object
-            if related:
-                raise ValueError(f"Unexpected 'related' kwarg provided for {message_type}") from None
-            return {}
-        else:
-            if not related:
-                raise ValueError(f"{message_type} expects a 'related' kwarg")
-            return {neat_name: related}
-    def recipients(self, message_type, **kwargs):
-        raise NotImplementedError()
-    def batch_recipients(self, message_type, sources, **kwargs):
-        # Default batch recipients is to send a message to each of the recipients that would
-        # receive a message under normal conditions
-        return [
-            {
-                'recipients': self.recipients(message_type, source=source, **kwargs),
-                'sources': [source]
-            }
-            for source in sources
-        ]
-    def process_batch(self, message_type, events, request, user, sources, related=None, **kwargs):
-        events_by_source = {
-   event
-            for event in events
-        }
-        for recipient in self.batch_recipients(message_type, sources, user=user, **kwargs):
-            recipients = recipient['recipients']
-            sources = recipient['sources']
-            events = [events_by_source[] for source in sources]
-            self.process_send(message_type, recipients, events, request, user, sources=sources, source=None, related=related, **kwargs)
-    def process(self, message_type, event, request, user, source, related=None, **kwargs):
-        recipients = self.recipients(message_type, source=source, related=related, user=user, **kwargs)
-        self.process_send(message_type, recipients, [event], request, user, source, related=related, **kwargs)
-    def process_send(self, message_type, recipients, events, request, user, source, sources=list(), related=None, **kwargs):
-        try:
-            # If this was a batch action we want to pull out the submission
-            source = sources[0]
-        except IndexError:
-            pass
-        kwargs = {
-            'request': request,
-            'user': user,
-            'source': source,
-            'sources': sources,
-            'related': related,
-            **kwargs,
-        }
-        kwargs.update(self.get_neat_related(message_type, related))
-        kwargs.update(self.extra_kwargs(message_type, **kwargs))
-        message = self.message(message_type, **kwargs)
-        if not message:
-            return
-        for recipient in recipients:
-            message_logs = self.create_logs(message, recipient, *events)
-            if settings.SEND_MESSAGES or self.always_send:
-                status = self.send_message(message, recipient=recipient, logs=message_logs, **kwargs)
-            else:
-                status = 'Message not sent as SEND_MESSAGES==FALSE'
-            message_logs.update_status(status)
-            if not settings.SEND_MESSAGES:
-                if recipient:
-                    debug_message = '{} [to: {}]: {}'.format(self.adapter_type, recipient, message)
-                else:
-                    debug_message = '{}: {}'.format(self.adapter_type, message)
-                messages.add_message(request, messages.DEBUG, debug_message)
-    def create_logs(self, message, recipient, *events):
-        from .models import Message
-        messages = Message.objects.bulk_create(
-            Message(
-                **self.log_kwargs(message, recipient, event)
-            )
-            for event in events
-        )
-        return Message.objects.filter(id__in=[ for message in messages])
-    def log_kwargs(self, message, recipient, event):
-        return {
-            'type': self.adapter_type,
-            'content': message,
-            'recipient': recipient or '',
-            'event': event,
-        }
-    def send_message(self, message, **kwargs):
-        # Process the message, should return the result of the send
-        # Returning None will not record this action
-        raise NotImplementedError()
-class ActivityAdapter(AdapterBase):
-    adapter_type = "Activity Feed"
-    always_send = True
-    messages = {
-        MESSAGES.TRANSITION: 'handle_transition',
-        MESSAGES.BATCH_TRANSITION: 'handle_batch_transition',
-        MESSAGES.NEW_SUBMISSION: _('Submitted {source.title} for {}'),
-        MESSAGES.EDIT_SUBMISSION: _('Edited'),
-        MESSAGES.APPLICANT_EDIT: _('Edited'),
-        MESSAGES.UPDATE_LEAD: _('Lead changed from {old_lead} to {source.lead}'),
-        MESSAGES.BATCH_UPDATE_LEAD: _('Batch Lead changed to {new_lead}'),
-        MESSAGES.DETERMINATION_OUTCOME: _('Sent a determination. Outcome: {determination.clean_outcome}'),
-        MESSAGES.BATCH_DETERMINATION_OUTCOME: 'batch_determination',
-        MESSAGES.INVITED_TO_PROPOSAL: _('Invited to submit a proposal'),
-        MESSAGES.REVIEWERS_UPDATED: 'reviewers_updated',
-        MESSAGES.BATCH_REVIEWERS_UPDATED: 'batch_reviewers_updated',
-        MESSAGES.PARTNERS_UPDATED: 'partners_updated',
-        MESSAGES.NEW_REVIEW: _('Submitted a review'),
-        MESSAGES.OPENED_SEALED: _('Opened the submission while still sealed'),
-        MESSAGES.SCREENING: 'handle_screening_statuses',
-        MESSAGES.REVIEW_OPINION: _('{user} {opinion.opinion_display}s with {}s review of {source}'),
-        MESSAGES.CREATED_PROJECT: _('Created'),
-        MESSAGES.PROJECT_TRANSITION: _('Progressed from {old_stage} to {source.status_display}'),
-        MESSAGES.UPDATE_PROJECT_LEAD: _('Lead changed from {old_lead} to {source.lead}'),
-        MESSAGES.SEND_FOR_APPROVAL: _('Requested approval'),
-        MESSAGES.APPROVE_PROJECT: _('Approved'),
-        MESSAGES.REQUEST_PROJECT_CHANGE: _('Requested changes for acceptance: "{comment}"'),
-        MESSAGES.UPLOAD_CONTRACT: _('Uploaded a {contract.state} contract'),
-        MESSAGES.APPROVE_CONTRACT: _('Approved contract'),
-        MESSAGES.UPDATE_INVOICE_STATUS: 'handle_update_invoice_status',
-        MESSAGES.CREATE_INVOICE: _('Invoice created'),
-        MESSAGES.SUBMIT_REPORT: _('Submitted a report'),
-        MESSAGES.SKIPPED_REPORT: 'handle_skipped_report',
-        MESSAGES.REPORT_FREQUENCY_CHANGED: 'handle_report_frequency',
-        MESSAGES.BATCH_DELETE_SUBMISSION: 'handle_batch_delete_submission'
-    }
-    def recipients(self, message_type, **kwargs):
-        return [None]
-    def extra_kwargs(self, message_type, source, sources, **kwargs):
-        if message_type in [
-                MESSAGES.OPENED_SEALED,
-                MESSAGES.SCREENING,
-                MESSAGES.NEW_REVIEW,
-        ]:
-            return {'visibility': TEAM}
-        source = source or sources[0]
-        if is_transition(message_type) and not source.phase.permissions.can_view(source.user):
-            # User's shouldn't see status activity changes for stages that aren't visible to the them
-            return {'visibility': TEAM}
-        return {}
-    def reviewers_updated(self, added=list(), removed=list(), **kwargs):
-        message = [_('Reviewers updated.')]
-        if added:
-            message.append(_('Added:'))
-            message.extend(reviewers_message(added))
-        if removed:
-            message.append(_('Removed:'))
-            message.extend(reviewers_message(removed))
-        return ' '.join(message)
-    def batch_reviewers_updated(self, added, **kwargs):
-        base = [_('Batch Reviewers Updated.')]
-        base.extend([
-            _('{user} as {name}.').format(user=str(user),
-            for role, user in added
-            if user
-        ])
-        return ' '.join(base)
-    def batch_determination(self, sources, determinations, **kwargs):
-        submission = sources[0]
-        determination = determinations[]
-        return self.messages[MESSAGES.DETERMINATION_OUTCOME].format(
-            determination=determination,
-        )
-    def handle_batch_delete_submission(self, sources, **kwargs):
-        submissions = sources
-        submissions_text = ', '.join(
-            [submission.title for submission in submissions]
-        )
-        return _('Successfully deleted submissions: {title}').format(title=submissions_text)
-    def handle_transition(self, old_phase, source, **kwargs):
-        submission = source
-        base_message = _('Progressed from {old_display} to {new_display}')
-        new_phase = submission.phase
-        staff_message = base_message.format(
-            old_display=old_phase.display_name,
-            new_display=new_phase.display_name,
-        )
-        if new_phase.permissions.can_view(submission.user):
-            # we need to provide a different message to the applicant
-            if not old_phase.permissions.can_view(submission.user):
-                old_phase = submission.workflow.previous_visible(old_phase, submission.user)
-            applicant_message = base_message.format(
-                old_display=old_phase.public_name,
-                new_display=new_phase.public_name,
-            )
-            return json.dumps({
-                TEAM: staff_message,
-                ALL: applicant_message,
-            })
-        return staff_message
-    def handle_batch_transition(self, transitions, sources, **kwargs):
-        submissions = sources
-        kwargs.pop('source')
-        for submission in submissions:
-            old_phase = transitions[]
-            return self.handle_transition(old_phase=old_phase, source=submission, **kwargs)
-    def partners_updated(self, added, removed, **kwargs):
-        message = [_('Partners updated.')]
-        if added:
-            message.append(_('Added:'))
-            message.append(', '.join([str(user) for user in added]) + '.')
-        if removed:
-            message.append(_('Removed:'))
-            message.append(', '.join([str(user) for user in removed]) + '.')
-        return ' '.join(message)
-    def handle_report_frequency(self, config, **kwargs):
-        new_schedule = config.get_frequency_display()
-        return _('Updated reporting frequency. New schedule is: {new_schedule} starting on {schedule_start}').format(new_schedule=new_schedule, schedule_start=config.schedule_start)
-    def handle_skipped_report(self, report, **kwargs):
-        if report.skipped:
-            return "Skipped a Report"
-        else:
-            return "Marked a Report as required"
-    def handle_update_invoice_status(self, invoice, **kwargs):
-        invoice_status_change = _('Updated Invoice status to: {status}.').format(status=invoice.status_display)
-        return invoice_status_change
-    def send_message(self, message, user, source, sources, **kwargs):
-        from .models import Activity
-        visibility = kwargs.get('visibility', ALL)
-        related = kwargs['related']
-        if isinstance(related, dict):
-            try:
-                related = related[]
-            except KeyError:
-                pass
-        has_correct_fields = all(hasattr(related, attr) for attr in ['get_absolute_url'])
-        isnt_source = source != related
-        is_model = isinstance(related, models.Model)
-        if has_correct_fields and isnt_source and is_model:
-            related_object = related
-        else:
-            related_object = None
-        Activity.actions.create(
-            user=user,
-            source=source,
-  ,
-            message=message,
-            visibility=visibility,
-            related_object=related_object,
-        )
-    def handle_screening_statuses(self, source, old_status, **kwargs):
-        new_status = ', '.join([s.title for s in source.screening_statuses.all()])
-        return _('Screening status from {old_status} to {new_status}').format(old_status=old_status, new_status=new_status)
-class SlackAdapter(AdapterBase):
-    adapter_type = "Slack"
-    always_send = True
-    messages = {
-        MESSAGES.NEW_SUBMISSION: _('A new submission has been submitted for {}: <{link}|{source.title}>'),
-        MESSAGES.UPDATE_LEAD: _('The lead of <{link}|{source.title}> has been updated from {old_lead} to {source.lead} by {user}'),
-        MESSAGES.BATCH_UPDATE_LEAD: 'handle_batch_lead',
-        MESSAGES.COMMENT: _('A new {comment.visibility} comment has been posted on <{link}|{source.title}> by {user}'),
-        MESSAGES.EDIT_SUBMISSION: _('{user} has edited <{link}|{source.title}>'),
-        MESSAGES.APPLICANT_EDIT: _('{user} has edited <{link}|{source.title}>'),
-        MESSAGES.REVIEWERS_UPDATED: 'reviewers_updated',
-        MESSAGES.BATCH_REVIEWERS_UPDATED: 'handle_batch_reviewers',
-        MESSAGES.PARTNERS_UPDATED: _('{user} has updated the partners on <{link}|{source.title}>'),
-        MESSAGES.TRANSITION: _('{user} has updated the status of <{link}|{source.title}>: {old_phase.display_name} → {source.phase}'),
-        MESSAGES.BATCH_TRANSITION: 'handle_batch_transition',
-        MESSAGES.DETERMINATION_OUTCOME: 'handle_determination',
-        MESSAGES.BATCH_DETERMINATION_OUTCOME: 'handle_batch_determination',
-        MESSAGES.PROPOSAL_SUBMITTED: _('A proposal has been submitted for review: <{link}|{source.title}>'),
-        MESSAGES.INVITED_TO_PROPOSAL: _('<{link}|{source.title}> by {source.user} has been invited to submit a proposal'),
-        MESSAGES.NEW_REVIEW: _('{user} has submitted a review for <{link}|{source.title}>. Outcome: {review.outcome},  Score: {review.get_score_display}'),
-        MESSAGES.READY_FOR_REVIEW: 'notify_reviewers',
-        MESSAGES.OPENED_SEALED: _('{user} has opened the sealed submission: <{link}|{source.title}>'),
-        MESSAGES.REVIEW_OPINION: _('{user} {opinion.opinion_display}s with {}s review of <{link}|{source.title}>'),
-        MESSAGES.BATCH_READY_FOR_REVIEW: 'batch_notify_reviewers',
-        MESSAGES.DELETE_SUBMISSION: _('{user} has deleted {source.title}'),
-        MESSAGES.DELETE_REVIEW: _('{user} has deleted {} review for <{link}|{source.title}>'),
-        MESSAGES.CREATED_PROJECT: _('{user} has created a Project: <{link}|{source.title}>'),
-        MESSAGES.UPDATE_PROJECT_LEAD: _('The lead of project <{link}|{source.title}> has been updated from {old_lead} to {source.lead} by {user}'),
-        MESSAGES.EDIT_REVIEW: _('{user} has edited {} review for <{link}|{source.title}>'),
-        MESSAGES.SEND_FOR_APPROVAL: _('{user} has requested approval on project <{link}|{source.title}>'),
-        MESSAGES.APPROVE_PROJECT: _('{user} has approved project <{link}|{source.title}>'),
-        MESSAGES.REQUEST_PROJECT_CHANGE: _('{user} has requested changes for project acceptance on <{link}|{source.title}>'),
-        MESSAGES.UPLOAD_CONTRACT: _('{user} has uploaded a contract for <{link}|{source.title}>'),
-        MESSAGES.APPROVE_CONTRACT: _('{user} has approved contract for <{link}|{source.title}>'),
-        MESSAGES.CREATE_INVOICE: _('{user} has created invoice for <{link}|{source.title}>'),
-        MESSAGES.UPDATE_INVOICE_STATUS: _('{user} has changed the status of <{link_related}|invoice> on <{link}|{source.title}> to {invoice.status_display}'),
-        MESSAGES.DELETE_INVOICE: _('{user} has deleted invoice from <{link}|{source.title}>'),
-        MESSAGES.UPDATE_INVOICE: _('{user} has updated invoice for <{link}|{source.title}>'),
-        MESSAGES.SUBMIT_REPORT: _('{user} has submitted a report for <{link}|{source.title}>'),
-        MESSAGES.BATCH_DELETE_SUBMISSION: 'handle_batch_delete_submission'
-    }
-    def __init__(self):
-        super().__init__()
-        self.destination = settings.SLACK_ENDPOINT_URL
-        self.target_room = settings.SLACK_DESTINATION_ROOM
-        self.comments_room = settings.SLACK_DESTINATION_ROOM_COMMENTS
-        self.comments_type = settings.SLACK_TYPE_COMMENTS
-    def slack_links(self, links, sources):
-        return ', '.join(
-            f'<{links[]}|{source.title}>'
-            for source in sources
-        )
-    def extra_kwargs(self, message_type, **kwargs):
-        source = kwargs['source']
-        sources = kwargs['sources']
-        request = kwargs['request']
-        related = kwargs['related']
-        link = link_to(source, request)
-        link_related = link_to(related, request)
-        links = {
-   link_to(source, request)
-            for source in sources
-        }
-        return {
-            'link': link,
-            'link_related': link_related,
-            'links': links,
-        }
-    def recipients(self, message_type, source, related, **kwargs):
-        if message_type == MESSAGES.SEND_FOR_APPROVAL:
-            return [
-                self.slack_id(user)
-                for user in User.objects.approvers()
-                if self.slack_id(user)
-            ]
-        recipients = [self.slack_id(source.lead)]
-        # Notify second reviewer when first reviewer is done.
-        if message_type == MESSAGES.NEW_REVIEW and related:
-            submission = source
-            if submission.assigned.with_roles().count() == 2 and == submission.assigned.with_roles().first().reviewer:
-                recipients.append(self.slack_id(submission.assigned.with_roles().last().reviewer))
-        if message_type == MESSAGES.UPDATE_INVOICE_STATUS:
-            if related.status in [
-            ]:
-                # Notify project lead/staff
-                return recipients
-            if related.status in [APPROVED_BY_STAFF, CHANGES_REQUESTED_BY_FINANCE_2]:
-                # Notify finance 1
-                return [
-                    self.slack_id(user)
-                    for user in User.objects.finances_level_1()
-                    if self.slack_id(user)
-                ]
-            if related.status in [APPROVED_BY_FINANCE_1]:
-                # Notify finance 2
-                return [
-                    self.slack_id(user)
-                    for user in User.objects.finances_level_2()
-                    if self.slack_id(user)
-                ]
-            return []
-        return recipients
-    def batch_recipients(self, message_type, sources, **kwargs):
-        # We group the messages by lead
-        leads = User.objects.filter(id__in=sources.values('lead'))
-        return [
-            {
-                'recipients': [self.slack_id(lead)],
-                'sources': sources.filter(lead=lead),
-            } for lead in leads
-        ]
-    def reviewers_updated(self, source, link, user, added=list(), removed=list(), **kwargs):
-        submission = source
-        message = [_('{user} has updated the reviewers on <{link}|{title}>').format(user=user, link=link, title=submission.title)]
-        if added:
-            message.append(_('Added:'))
-            message.extend(reviewers_message(added))
-        if removed:
-            message.append(_('Removed:'))
-            message.extend(reviewers_message(removed))
-        return ' '.join(message)
-    def handle_batch_lead(self, sources, links, user, new_lead, **kwargs):
-        submissions = sources
-        submissions_text = self.slack_links(links, submissions)
-        return (
-            _('{user} has batch changed lead to {new_lead} on: {submissions_text}').format(
-                user=user,
-                submissions_text=submissions_text,
-                new_lead=new_lead,
-            )
-        )
-    def handle_batch_reviewers(self, sources, links, user, added, **kwargs):
-        submissions = sources
-        submissions_text = self.slack_links(links, submissions)
-        reviewers_text = ' '.join([
-            _('{user} as {name},').format(user=str(user),
-            for role, user in added
-            if user
-        ])
-        return (
-            _('{user} has batch added {reviewers_text} as reviewers on: {submissions_text}').format(
-                user=user,
-                submissions_text=submissions_text,
-                reviewers_text=reviewers_text,
-            )
-        )
-    def handle_batch_transition(self, user, links, sources, transitions, **kwargs):
-        submissions = sources
-        submissions_text = [
-            ': '.join([
-                self.slack_links(links, [submission]),
-                f'{transitions[].display_name} → {submission.phase}',
-            ])
-            for submission in submissions
-        ]
-        submissions_links = ','.join(submissions_text)
-        return (
-            _('{user} has transitioned the following submissions: {submissions_links}').format(
-                user=user,
-                submissions_links=submissions_links,
-            )
-        )
-    def handle_determination(self, source, link, determination, **kwargs):
-        submission = source
-        if determination.send_notice:
-            return(
-                _('A determination for <{link}|{submission_title}> was sent by email. Outcome: {determination_outcome}').format(
-                    link=link,
-                    submission_title=submission.title,
-                    determination_outcome=determination.clean_outcome
-                )
-            )
-        return (
-            _('A determination for <{link}|{submission_title}> was saved without sending an email. Outcome: {determination_outcome}').format(
-                link=link,
-                submission_title=submission.title,
-                determination_outcome=determination.clean_outcome
-            )
-        )
-    def handle_batch_determination(self, sources, links, determinations, **kwargs):
-        submissions = sources
-        submissions_links = ','.join([
-            self.slack_links(links, [submission])
-            for submission in submissions
-        ])
-        outcome = determinations[submissions[0].id].clean_outcome
-        return (
-            _('Determinations of {outcome} was sent for: {submissions_links}').format(
-                outcome=outcome,
-                submissions_links=submissions_links,
-            )
-        )
-    def handle_batch_delete_submission(self, sources, links, user, **kwargs):
-        submissions = sources
-        submissions_text = ', '.join([submission.title for submission in submissions])
-        return _('{user} has deleted submissions: {title}').format(user=user, title=submissions_text)
-    def notify_reviewers(self, source, link, **kwargs):
-        submission = source
-        reviewers_to_notify = []
-        for reviewer in submission.reviewers.all():
-            if submission.phase.permissions.can_review(reviewer):
-                reviewers_to_notify.append(reviewer)
-        reviewers = ', '.join(
-            str(reviewer) for reviewer in reviewers_to_notify
-        )
-        return (
-            _('<{link}|{title}> is ready for review. The following are assigned as reviewers: {reviewers}').format(
-                link=link,
-                reviewers=reviewers,
-                title=submission.title,
-            )
-        )
-    def batch_notify_reviewers(self, sources, links, **kwargs):
-        kwargs.pop('source')
-        kwargs.pop('link')
-        return '. '.join(
-            self.notify_reviewers(source, link=links[], **kwargs)
-            for source in sources
-        )
-    def slack_id(self, user):
-        if user is None:
-            return ''
-        if not user.slack:
-            return ''
-        return f'<{user.slack}>'
-    def slack_channels(self, source, **kwargs):
-        # Set the default room as a start.
-        target_rooms = [self.target_room]
-        try:
-            fund_slack_channel = source.get_from_parent('slack_channel').split(',')
-        except AttributeError:
-            # Not a submission object.
-            pass
-        else:
-            # If there are custom rooms, set them in place of the default room
-            custom_rooms = [channel for channel in fund_slack_channel if channel]
-            if len(custom_rooms) > 0:
-                target_rooms = custom_rooms
-        try:
-            comment = kwargs['comment']
-        except KeyError:
-            # Not a comment, no extra rooms.
-            pass
-        else:
-            if self.comments_room:
-                if any(self.comments_type):
-                    if comment.visibility in self.comments_type:
-                        target_rooms.extend([self.comments_room])
-                else:
-                    target_rooms.extend([self.comments_room])
-        # Make sure each channel name starts with a "#".
-        target_rooms = [
-            room.strip() if room.startswith('#') else '#' + room.strip()
-            for room in target_rooms
-            if room
-        ]
-        return target_rooms
-    def send_message(self, message, recipient, source, **kwargs):
-        target_rooms = self.slack_channels(source, **kwargs)
-        if not any(target_rooms) or not settings.SLACK_TOKEN:
-            errors = list()
-            if not target_rooms:
-                errors.append('Room ID')
-            if not settings.SLACK_TOKEN:
-                errors.append('Slack Token')
-            return 'Missing configuration: {}'.format(', '.join(errors))
-        message = ' '.join([recipient, message]).strip()
-        data = {
-            "message": message,
-        }
-        for room in target_rooms:
-            try:
-                slack_message('messages/slack_message.html', data, channel=room)
-            except Exception as e:
-                logger.exception(e)
-                return '400: Bad Request'
-        return '200: OK'
-class EmailAdapter(AdapterBase):
-    adapter_type = 'Email'
-    messages = {
-        MESSAGES.NEW_SUBMISSION: 'messages/email/submission_confirmation.html',
-        MESSAGES.COMMENT: 'notify_comment',
-        MESSAGES.EDIT_SUBMISSION: 'messages/email/submission_edit.html',
-        MESSAGES.TRANSITION: 'handle_transition',
-        MESSAGES.BATCH_TRANSITION: 'handle_batch_transition',
-        MESSAGES.DETERMINATION_OUTCOME: 'handle_determination',
-        MESSAGES.BATCH_DETERMINATION_OUTCOME: 'handle_batch_determination',
-        MESSAGES.INVITED_TO_PROPOSAL: 'messages/email/invited_to_proposal.html',
-        MESSAGES.BATCH_READY_FOR_REVIEW: 'handle_batch_ready_for_review',
-        MESSAGES.READY_FOR_REVIEW: 'handle_ready_for_review',
-        MESSAGES.REVIEWERS_UPDATED: 'handle_ready_for_review',
-        MESSAGES.BATCH_REVIEWERS_UPDATED: 'handle_batch_ready_for_review',
-        MESSAGES.PARTNERS_UPDATED: 'partners_updated_applicant',
-        MESSAGES.PARTNERS_UPDATED_PARTNER: 'partners_updated_partner',
-        MESSAGES.UPLOAD_CONTRACT: 'messages/email/contract_uploaded.html',
-        MESSAGES.CREATED_PROJECT: 'handle_project_created',
-        MESSAGES.UPDATED_VENDOR: 'handle_vendor_updated',
-        MESSAGES.SENT_TO_COMPLIANCE: 'messages/email/sent_to_compliance.html',
-        MESSAGES.UPDATE_INVOICE: 'handle_invoice_updated',
-        MESSAGES.UPDATE_INVOICE_STATUS: 'handle_invoice_status_updated',
-        MESSAGES.SUBMIT_REPORT: 'messages/email/report_submitted.html',
-        MESSAGES.SKIPPED_REPORT: 'messages/email/report_skipped.html',
-        MESSAGES.REPORT_FREQUENCY_CHANGED: 'messages/email/report_frequency.html',
-        MESSAGES.REPORT_NOTIFY: 'messages/email/report_notify.html',
-        MESSAGES.REVIEW_REMINDER: 'messages/email/ready_to_review.html',
-    }
-    def get_subject(self, message_type, source):
-        if source:
-            if is_ready_for_review(message_type) or is_reviewer_update(message_type):
-                subject = _('Application ready to review: {source.title}').format(source=source)
-                    subject = _('Multiple applications are now ready for your review')
-            elif message_type in {MESSAGES.REVIEW_REMINDER}:
-                subject = _('Reminder: Application ready to review: {source.title}').format(source=source)
-            else:
-                try:
-                    subject = or _('Your application to {org_long_name}: {source.title}').format(org_long_name=settings.ORG_LONG_NAME, source=source)
-                except AttributeError:
-                    subject = _('Your {org_long_name} Project: {source.title}').format(org_long_name=settings.ORG_LONG_NAME, source=source)
-            return subject
-    def extra_kwargs(self, message_type, source, sources, **kwargs):
-        return {
-            'subject': self.get_subject(message_type, source),
-        }
-    def handle_transition(self, old_phase, source, **kwargs):
-        from hypha.apply.funds.workflow import PHASES
-        submission = source
-        # Retrive status index to see if we are going forward or backward.
-        old_index = list(dict(PHASES).keys()).index(
-        target_index = list(dict(PHASES).keys()).index(submission.status)
-        is_forward = old_index < target_index
-        if is_forward:
-            return self.render_message(
-                'messages/email/transition.html',
-                source=submission,
-                old_phase=old_phase,
-                **kwargs
-            )
-    def handle_batch_transition(self, transitions, sources, **kwargs):
-        submissions = sources
-        kwargs.pop('source')
-        for submission in submissions:
-            old_phase = transitions[]
-            return self.handle_transition(old_phase=old_phase, source=submission, **kwargs)
-    def handle_invoice_status_updated(self, related, **kwargs):
-        return self.render_message(
-            'messages/email/invoice_status_updated.html',
-            has_changes_requested=related.has_changes_requested,
-            **kwargs,
-        )
-    def handle_invoice_updated(self, **kwargs):
-        return self.render_message(
-            'messages/email/invoice_updated.html',
-            **kwargs,
-        )
-    def handle_project_created(self, source, **kwargs):
-        from hypha.apply.projects.models import ProjectSettings
-        request = kwargs.get('request')
-        project_settings = ProjectSettings.for_request(request)
-        if project_settings.vendor_setup_required:
-            return self.render_message(
-                'messages/email/vendor_setup_needed.html',
-                source=source,
-                **kwargs
-            )
-    def handle_vendor_updated(self, source, **kwargs):
-        return self.render_message(
-            'messages/email/vendor_updated.html',
-            source=source,
-            **kwargs,
-        )
-    def handle_determination(self, determination, source, **kwargs):
-        submission = source
-        if determination.send_notice:
-            return self.render_message(
-                'messages/email/determination.html',
-                source=submission,
-                determination=determination,
-                **kwargs
-            )
-    def handle_batch_determination(self, determinations, sources, **kwargs):
-        submissions = sources
-        kwargs.pop('source')
-        for submission in submissions:
-            determination = determinations[]
-            return self.render_message(
-                'messages/email/determination.html',
-                source=submission,
-                determination=determination,
-                **kwargs
-            )
-    def handle_ready_for_review(self, request, source, **kwargs):
-        if settings.SEND_READY_FOR_REVIEW:
-            return self.render_message(
-                'messages/email/ready_to_review.html',
-                source=source,
-                request=request,
-                **kwargs
-            )
-    def handle_batch_ready_for_review(self, request, sources, **kwargs):
-        if settings.SEND_READY_FOR_REVIEW:
-            return self.render_message(
-                'messages/email/batch_ready_to_review.html',
-                sources=sources,
-                request=request,
-                **kwargs
-            )
-    def notify_comment(self, **kwargs):
-        comment = kwargs['comment']
-        source = kwargs['source']
-        if not comment.priviledged and not comment.user == source.user:
-            return self.render_message('messages/email/comment.html', **kwargs)
-    def recipients(self, message_type, source, user, **kwargs):
-        if is_ready_for_review(message_type):
-            return self.reviewers(source)
-        if is_reviewer_update(message_type):
-            # Notify newly added reviewers only if they can review in the current phase
-            reviewers = self.reviewers(source)
-            added = kwargs.get("added", [])
-            return [
-                for assigned_reviewer in added
-                if in reviewers
-            ]
-        if is_transition(message_type):
-            # Only notify the applicant if the new phase can be seen within the workflow
-            if not source.phase.permissions.can_view(source.user):
-                return []
-        if message_type == MESSAGES.PARTNERS_UPDATED_PARTNER:
-            partners = kwargs['added']
-            return [ for partner in partners]
-        if message_type == MESSAGES.SENT_TO_COMPLIANCE:
-            from hypha.apply.projects.models import ProjectSettings
-            project_settings = ProjectSettings.objects.first()
-            if project_settings is None:
-                # TODO: what to do when this isn't configured??
-                return []
-            return [project_settings.compliance_email]
-            # Don't tell the user if they did these activities
-            if user.is_applicant:
-                return []
-        if message_type in {MESSAGES.REVIEW_REMINDER}:
-            return self.reviewers(source)
-        if message_type == MESSAGES.UPDATE_INVOICE_STATUS:
-            related = kwargs.get('related', None)
-            if related:
-                if related.status in {CHANGES_REQUESTED_BY_STAFF, DECLINED}:
-                    return []
-            return []
-        return []
-    def batch_recipients(self, message_type, sources, **kwargs):
-        if not (is_ready_for_review(message_type) or is_reviewer_update(message_type)):
-            return super().batch_recipients(message_type, sources, **kwargs)
-        added = [ for _, reviewer in kwargs.get("added", []) if reviewer]
-        reviewers_to_message = defaultdict(list)
-        for source in sources:
-            reviewers = self.reviewers(source)
-            for reviewer in reviewers:
-                if not is_reviewer_update(message_type) or reviewer in added:
-                    reviewers_to_message[reviewer].append(source)
-        return [
-            {
-                'recipients': [reviewer],
-                'sources': sources,
-            } for reviewer, sources in reviewers_to_message.items()
-        ]
-    def reviewers(self, source):
-        return [
-            for reviewer in source.missing_reviewers.all()
-            if source.phase.permissions.can_review(reviewer) and not reviewer.is_apply_staff
-        ]
-    def partners_updated_applicant(self, added, removed, **kwargs):
-        if added:
-            return self.render_message(
-                'messages/email/partners_update_applicant.html',
-                added=added,
-                **kwargs
-            )
-    def partners_updated_partner(self, added, removed, **kwargs):
-        for partner in added:
-            return self.render_message('messages/email/partners_update_partner.html', **kwargs)
-    def render_message(self, template, **kwargs):
-        return render_to_string(template, kwargs, kwargs['request'])
-    def send_message(self, message, source, subject, recipient, logs, **kwargs):
-        try:
-            from_email =
-        except AttributeError:  # we're dealing with a project
-            from_email =
-        except Exception as e:
-            from_email = None
-            logger.exception(e)
-        try:
-            send_mail(
-                subject,
-                message,
-                from_email,
-                [recipient],
-                logs=logs
-            )
-        except Exception as e:
-            return 'Error: ' + str(e)
-class DjangoMessagesAdapter(AdapterBase):
-    adapter_type = 'Django'
-    always_send = True
-    messages = {
-        MESSAGES.BATCH_REVIEWERS_UPDATED: 'batch_reviewers_updated',
-        MESSAGES.BATCH_TRANSITION: 'batch_transition',
-        MESSAGES.BATCH_DETERMINATION_OUTCOME: 'batch_determinations',
-        MESSAGES.UPLOAD_DOCUMENT: _('Successfully uploaded document'),
-        MESSAGES.REMOVE_DOCUMENT: _('Successfully removed document'),
-        MESSAGES.SKIPPED_REPORT: 'handle_skipped_report',
-        MESSAGES.REPORT_FREQUENCY_CHANGED: 'handle_report_frequency',
-        MESSAGES.CREATE_REMINDER: _('Reminder created'),
-        MESSAGES.DELETE_REMINDER: _('Reminder deleted'),
-    }
-    def batch_reviewers_updated(self, added, sources, **kwargs):
-        reviewers_text = ' '.join([
-            _('{user} as {name},').format(user=str(user),
-            for role, user in added
-            if user
-        ])
-        return (
-            _('Batch reviewers added: {reviewers_text} to ').format(reviewers_text=reviewers_text) + ', '.join(['"{title}"'.format(title=source.title) for source in sources])
-        )
-    def handle_report_frequency(self, config, **kwargs):
-        new_schedule = config.get_frequency_display()
-        return _('Successfully updated reporting frequency. They will now report {new_schedule} starting on {schedule_start}').format(new_schedule=new_schedule, schedule_start=config.schedule_start)
-    def handle_skipped_report(self, report, **kwargs):
-        if report.skipped:
-            return _('Successfully skipped a Report for {start_date} to {end_date}').format(start_date=report.start_date, end_date=report.end_date)
-        else:
-            return _('Successfully unskipped a Report for {start_date} to {end_date}').format(start_date=report.start_date, end_date=report.end_date)
-    def batch_transition(self, sources, transitions, **kwargs):
-        base_message = 'Successfully updated:'
-        transition = '{submission} [{old_display} → {new_display}].'
-        transition_messages = [
-            transition.format(
-                submission=submission.title,
-                old_display=transitions[],
-                new_display=submission.phase,
-            ) for submission in sources
-        ]
-        messages = [base_message, *transition_messages]
-        return ' '.join(messages)
-    def batch_determinations(self, sources, determinations, **kwargs):
-        submissions = sources
-        outcome = determinations[submissions[0].id].clean_outcome
-        base_message = _('Successfully determined as {outcome}: ').format(outcome=outcome)
-        submissions_text = [
-            str(submission.title) for submission in submissions
-        ]
-        return base_message + ', '.join(submissions_text)
-    def recipients(self, *args, **kwargs):
-        return [None]
-    def batch_recipients(self, message_type, sources, *args, **kwargs):
-        return [{
-            'recipients': [None],
-            'sources': sources,
-        }]
-    def send_message(self, message, request, **kwargs):
-        messages.add_message(request, messages.INFO, message)
+from .options import MESSAGES  # noqa
 class MessengerBackend:
@@ -1080,12 +17,30 @@ class MessengerBackend:
     def __call__(self, *args, related=None, **kwargs):
         return self.send(*args, related=related, **kwargs)
-    def send(self, message_type, request, user, related, source=None, sources=list(), **kwargs):
+    def send(
+        self,
+        message_type,
+        request,
+        user,
+        related,
+        source=None,
+        sources=list(),
+        **kwargs
+    ):
         from .models import Event
         if source:
             event = Event.objects.create(, by=user, source=source)
             for adapter in self.adapters:
-                adapter.process(message_type, event, request=request, user=user, source=source, related=related, **kwargs)
+                adapter.process(
+                    message_type,
+                    event,
+                    request=request,
+                    user=user,
+                    source=source,
+                    related=related,
+                    **kwargs
+                )
         elif sources:
             events = Event.objects.bulk_create(
@@ -1093,7 +48,15 @@ class MessengerBackend:
                 for source in sources
             for adapter in self.adapters:
-                adapter.process_batch(message_type, events, request=request, user=user, sources=sources, related=related, **kwargs)
+                adapter.process_batch(
+                    message_type,
+                    events,
+                    request=request,
+                    user=user,
+                    sources=sources,
+                    related=related,
+                    **kwargs
+                )
 adapters = [
@@ -1103,5 +66,4 @@ adapters = [
 messenger = MessengerBackend(*adapters)
diff --git a/hypha/apply/activity/tests/ b/hypha/apply/activity/tests/
index e6f90c0c6..3527d92f0 100644
--- a/hypha/apply/activity/tests/
+++ b/hypha/apply/activity/tests/
@@ -24,16 +24,11 @@ from hypha.apply.users.tests.factories import (
 from hypha.apply.utils.testing import make_request
-from ..messaging import (
-    ActivityAdapter,
-    AdapterBase,
-    EmailAdapter,
-    MessengerBackend,
-    SlackAdapter,
-    neat_related,
+from ..adapters import ActivityAdapter, AdapterBase, EmailAdapter, SlackAdapter
+from ..adapters.base import neat_related
+from ..messaging import MessengerBackend
 from ..models import ALL, TEAM, Activity, Event, Message
+from ..options import MESSAGES
 from .factories import CommentFactory, EventFactory, MessageFactory