diff --git a/docs/getting-started/contributing/developer-tips.md b/docs/getting-started/contributing/developer-tips.md
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--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/getting-started/contributing/developer-tips.md
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+# Hypha developer tips
+## Git config
+To avoid spurious merge commits use a rebase workflow when appropriate.
+Set this to always use rebase when pulling in updates in a branch.
+git config --global branch.autosetuprebase always
+When updating a feature branch with new commits from the main branch use `rebase` and not `merge`
+git switch feature-branch-name
+git fetch origin
+git rebase origin/main
+## Postgres snapshots/restore
+Hypha dev requirements contain the [dslr](https://github.com/mixxorz/DSLR) tool. Use this for fast snapshots and restores of the postgres database.
+Perfekt when testing migrations and other times when you need to reset the database or switch between databases.
+Take a snapshot, you can have as many as you like.
+dslr snapshot name-of-the-snapshot
+Restore the snapshot.
+dslr restore name-of-the-snapshot
+Delete a snapshot you no longer need.
+dslr delete name-of-the-snapshot
+List all your snapshots:
+dslr list
+## Commands in Makefile
+This is the one stop place to find commands for runiing test, build resources and docs, linting and code style checks/fixes.
+## Coding style and linting in pre-commit hook
+Hypha's coding style is enforced by ruff and prettier and comes pre-configured with prettier.
+Install pre-commit to auto-format the code before each commit:
+pre-commit install
+## Editor extensions
+If you editor does not a Language Server Protocol (LSP) preinstalled make sure to add the plugin for it. Then add "LSP-ruff" for a fast Python linter and code transformation tool.
+Your editor most likely have plugins for the other languages Hypha uses as well, css/scss, yaml and html. We recoment to install them as well.
diff --git a/docs/getting-started/contributing/submitting-changes.md b/docs/getting-started/contributing/submitting-changes.md
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--- a/docs/getting-started/contributing/submitting-changes.md
+++ b/docs/getting-started/contributing/submitting-changes.md
@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
 # Submitting Changes
-We use pull requests for all changes. No commits are done directly in to the main branches. The "master" branch is protected and only maintainers can merge to it.
+We use pull requests for all changes. No commits are done directly in to the main branches. The "main" branch is protected and only maintainers can merge to it.
-1. **Use descriptive branch names** - We commonly use `fix/*`, `enhancement/*`, `feature/*`, `bug/*` and `updates/*` as base for the branch names. A good idea is to include the GitHub issue number in the format "`*/gh-1234-*`".
+1. **Use descriptive branch names** - We commonly use `fix/*`, `enhancement/*`, `feature/*` and `maintenance/*` as base for the branch names. A good idea is to include the GitHub issue number in the format "`*/gh-1234-*`".
 2. **Use descriptive commit messages** - Write it so other developers, and your future self, can understand what was changes and why.
@@ -14,16 +14,16 @@ We use pull requests for all changes. No commits are done directly in to the mai
 ## Git command examples
-### Creating a new branch from master
+### Creating a new branch from main
-First check out master and do a git pull ot get all the latest updates.
+First check out main and do a git pull ot get all the latest updates.
 Then create a new branch and do a checkout of it.
-git checkout master
+git checkout main
 git pull
-git checkout -b fix/gh-1234-fixing-thing-a
+git switch --create fix/gh-1234-fixing-thing-a
 ### Adding commits
@@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ First make sure we are in the correct branch. Then push the branch to origin, i.
 (Pushing to `HEAD` is equivalent to pushing to a remote branch having the same name as your current branch.)
-git checkout fix/gh-1234-fixing-thing-a
+git switch fix/gh-1234-fixing-thing-a
 git push -u origin HEAD
@@ -48,15 +48,14 @@ The message in the Terminal will contain the URL to create an PR. On most system
 ### Rebase branch if needed
-Checkout master and update it. Checkout the branch you are working on and issue the command to rebase it from master. If that resulted in any changes you will then need to do a force push to GitHub.
+Checkout main and update it. Checkout the branch you are working on and issue the command to rebase it from main. If that resulted in any changes you will then need to do a force push to GitHub.
-git checkout master
+git switch main
 git pull
 git checkout fix/gh-1234-fixing-thing-a
-git rebase master
-git push --force
+git rebase main
+git push --force-with-lease
 Read more about [Git rebase](https://www.atlassian.com/git/tutorials/rewriting-history/git-rebase).
diff --git a/docs/setup/deployment/development/stand-alone.md b/docs/setup/deployment/development/stand-alone.md
index b27d3fb1a239f7dcad9098a9d5b8ab5de03ff014..e625b744267cdf17ba41a1b4165db565cf772828 100644
--- a/docs/setup/deployment/development/stand-alone.md
+++ b/docs/setup/deployment/development/stand-alone.md
@@ -288,16 +288,6 @@ Open http://localhost:9100/ to preview the documentation site.
     You can use `make serve` command to run Django Development Server, watch and compile frontend changes and preview docs all at once.
-## Coding Style
-Hypha's coding style is enforced by black, ruff and prettier and comes pre-configured with prettier. 
-Install pre-commit to auto-format the code before each commit:
-pre-commit install
 ## Running tests
 Hypha uses `ruff` and [py.test](https://pytest-django.readthedocs.io/en/latest/) test runner and uses `hypha/settings/testing.py` for test settings.