Simply typing make install should install pass to the standard locations. The makefile is aware of the following environment variables: PREFIX default: /usr DESTDIR default: BINDIR default: $(PREFIX)/bin LIBDIR default: $(PREFIX)/lib MANDIR default: $(PREFIX)/share/man SYSCONFDIR default: /etc -- Completion Files -- The install target will automatically determine the existance of bash, zsh, and fish, and install the completion files as needed. If you'd like to force installation, you may set FORCE_BASHCOMP, FORCE_ZSHCOMP, or FORCE_FISHCOMP to 1, or set FORCE_ALL to 1. The exact paths of the completions can be controlled with BASHCOMP_PATH, ZSHCOMP_PATH, and FISHCOMP_PATH. -- Test Suite -- Pass has a test suite which uses Sharness: <> To run all tests, run 'make test'. To debug an individual test, run it directly with '-v', e.g.: $ tests/ -v