Simple Password Store
by Jason Donenfeld

This is a very simple password store that encrypts passwords using gpg and
places the encrypted password in a directory. It can generate new passwords
and keep track of old ones.

If the password storage directory ($HOME/.password-store) is also a git
repository, add/remove/change operations will create a corresponding git

    pass init gpg-id
        Initialize new password storage and use gpg-id for encryption.
    pass [ls] [subfolder]
        List passwords.
    pass [show] [--clip,-c] pass-name
        Show existing password and optionally put it on the clipboard.
        If put on the clipboard, it will be cleared in 45 seconds.
    pass insert [--multiline,-m] pass-name
        Insert new optionally multiline password.
    pass generate [--no-symbols,-n] [--clip,-c] pass-name pass-length
        Generate a new password of pass-length with optionally no symbols.
        Optionally put it on the clipboard and clear board after 45 seconds.
    pass remove pass-name
        Remove existing password.
    pass push
        If the password store is a git repository, push the latest changes.
    pass pull
        If the password store is a git repository, pull the latest changes.
    pass help
        Show this text.


    - Initialize password store:
        zx2c4@laptop ~ $ pass init Jason@zx2c4.com
        mkdir: created directory ‘/home/zx2c4/.password-store’
        Password store initialized for Jason@zx2c4.com.
    - List existing passwords in store:

        zx2c4@laptop ~ $ pass
        ├── Business
        │   ├── some-silly-business-site.com
        │   └── another-business-site.net
        ├── Email
        │   ├── donenfeld.com
        │   └── zx2c4.com
        └── France
            ├── bank
            ├── freebox
            └── mobilephone
        Alternatively, "pass ls".

    - Show existing password:

        zx2c4@laptop ~ $ pass Email/zx2c4.com
    - Add password to store:

        zx2c4@laptop ~ $ pass insert Business/cheese-whiz-factory
        Enter password for Business/cheese-whiz-factory: omg so much cheese what am i gonna do

        Or, multiline passwords:

        zx2c4@laptop ~ $ pass insert --multiline Business/cheese-whiz-factory
        Enter contents of Business/cheese-whiz-factory and press Ctrl+D when finished:

        Hey this is my 

    - Generate new password:

        zx2c4@laptop ~ $ pass generate Email/jasondonenfeld.com 15
        The generated password to Email/jasondonenfeld.com is:

        Or, with no symbols:

        zx2c4@laptop ~ $ pass generate --no-symbols Email/jasondonenfeld.com 12
        The generated password to Email/jasondonenfeld.com is:

    - Remove password from store:

        zx2c4@laptop ~ $ pass remove Business/cheese-whiz-factory
        rm: remove regular file ‘/home/zx2c4/.password-store/Business/cheese-whiz-factory.gpg’? y
        removed ‘/home/zx2c4/.password-store/Business/cheese-whiz-factory.gpg’