diff --git a/notes.md b/notes.md
index 8711e4bf362b10b2bf0fd55867f7f49b383f1e9c..e9bc2ab95e8aceaf165ba5f819f4323584f82930 100644
--- a/notes.md
+++ b/notes.md
@@ -7,58 +7,20 @@ Markdown) if you want.
 Note that some of these examples are still just pointers that will
 need followup.
-* The license now named the "Bootstrap Open Source License" (BOSL) was
-  formerly known as the "Transitive Grace Period Public Licence"
-  (TGPPL).  
+* Stuff about TGGPL:
   The 2020 blog post [Introducing BOSL, a radically new type of
-  discusses the license and gives some examples of its use.
+  discusses BOSL license and gives some examples of its use.
   An earlier (2010) writeup about TGPPL from Ted T'so is
   [The Transitive Grace Period Public Licence: good ideas come
-  [Tahoe-LAFS](https://github.com/tahoe-lafs/tahoe-lafs) seems to have
-  a somewhat complicated (though still open source) licensing
-  situation, but it appears to be also published under the TGPPL?
-  And Zooko might be using BOSL or TGPPL for other things as well.
   (See also https://github.com/zooko/tgppl -- note that Richard
   Fontana is in the commit history there.)
-* Aladdin Ghostscript
-* Akka (BUSL) [license FAQ](https://www.lightbend.com/akka/license-faq)
-  They moved to BSL last year; after 3 years, code switches from BSL
-  to Apache 2.0.  From [their blog
-  post](https://www.lightbend.com/blog/why-we-are-changing-the-license-for-akka):
-    > ...
-    > The new license for Akka is the Business Source License (BSL)
-    > v1.1, with an additional usage grant to cover some open source
-    > usage of Akka, such as part of the Play Framework. The BSL was
-    > created by David Axmark and Michael Widenius and has been
-    > adopted by MariaDB, Cockroach Labs, Sentry, Materialized, and
-    > others.
-    > 
-    > The BSL is a “Source Available” license that freely allows using
-    > the code for development and other non-production work such as
-    > testing. Production use of the software requires a commercial
-    > license from Lightbend. The commercial license will be available
-    > at no charge for early-stage companies (less than US $25 million
-    > in annual revenue). By enabling early-stage companies to use
-    > Akka in production for free, we hope to continue to foster the
-    > innovation synonymous with the startup adoption of Akka.
-    > 
-    > After 3 years, the BSL license indefinitely reverts to an Apache
-    > 2.0 license. A [detailed FAQ](http://lightbend.com/akka/license-faq) is available to answer many of the
-    > questions that you will have about the license change. You can
-    > see our version of the BSL [here](https://lightbend.com/akka/license).
-    > ...
 * [Atom (text editor)](https://atom-editor.cc/blog/2014/05/06/atom-is-now-open-source/)
   (suggested by @Zaeraxa in reply to https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=37745772)
@@ -69,8 +31,6 @@ need followup.
   Probably not DOSP: simultaneous dual license.
-* CockroachDB (BUSL) [licensing FAQs](https://www.cockroachlabs.com/docs/stable/licensing-faqs)
 * FreeBSD netgraph
   Have not found any reference to licensing so far.
@@ -103,32 +63,9 @@ need followup.
   their way of operating probably warrants mention in the Appendix, as
   people interested in DOSP would also want to know about this.
-* Hashicorp and BUSL
-  - https://www.hashicorp.com/license-faq#Why-is-HashiCorp-making-this-change
-  - https://www.hashicorp.com/blog/hashicorp-adopts-business-source-license
-* MariaDB
-  Always GPL. People may be thinking of the company's development of BUSL
-  which was applied to other software (MaxScale).
-* _MindLogger_ from Child Mind Institute
-  - uses its self-rolled _"Delayed Open Source Attribution License"_ 
-  - [license file on GH](https://github.com/ChildMindInstitute/mindlogger-applet-builder/blob/master/LICENSE.md)
-  YES: Delayed open source (noncommercial uses only) with a three-year delay.
 * MkDocs
-* North Road (geospatial software company) [projects](https://north-road.com/#)
-  @jjgreen followed up in https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=37745772
-  to say: "North Road's SLYR (ESRI to QGIS Compatibility Suite) does
-  that (and rather good code it is too).  https://north-road.com/slyr/ .
-  I see North Road is actually on your list, but eventual openness not
-  obvious.  I think that's clear for SLYR at least."
-  ---> Follows bounty method with scheduled six-month delay.
+  I haven't found any delayed licensing information.
 * Onivim 2 (was this unplanned?) [issue](https://github.com/onivim/oni2/issues/3771)
   see also https://v2.onivim.io/early-access-portal and
@@ -150,27 +87,26 @@ need followup.
 * OPSI ["co-funding"](https://www.opsi.org/de/dokumentation/opsi-lizenz-und-copyright) (see also [this forum link](https://forum.opsi.org/viewtopic.php?t=1193))
+  They have clearly used a form of delayed open source release in the past in
+  connection with a bounty-like co-funding mechanism, which is still alluded
+  to on the company's web site.  However, it's not clear that this model is
+  actively used anymore for the majority of development (if at all), as most
+  of the code appears to be under an open core model with a subscription model
+  for proprietary extensions.
 * [OTRS](https://www.znuny.org/en/blog/why) (open source -> delayed ->
   proprietary), but one person said that the announced delayed open release
   never actually happened.
 * Pixelfed ["will be open sourced when we reach v1"](https://pixelfed.org/mobile-apps)
-* [PKMN Classic Framework](https://github.com/mm201/pkmn-classic-framework)
-  (a reverse-engineered third-party Pokémon game server?) has a conditional
-  relicensing if the developer's official server instance goes offline in
-  the future
 * Qt (officially delayed releases in the past from Trolltech?)
 * "searchcode" server under an "eventually open license" according to the post
   [GPL Time-bomb an interesting approach to #FOSS licensing](https://boyter.org/2016/08/gpl-time-bomb-interesting-approach-foss-licensing/)
   by Ben Boyter.
-* [Sentry](https://github.com/getsentry/sentry/blob/master/LICENSE)
-  (Business Source License (BUSL)); Codecov (also from Sentry) is also BUSL.
-  See https://blog.sentry.io/lets-talk-about-open-source/.
+  https://searchcodeserver.com/knowledge-base/eventually-open.html
 * [Zed](https://zed.dev/blog/open-sourcing-zed-on-zed)