From 7038aab07456e0545c75745407aebecb077fe5be Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Seth Schoen <>
Date: Mon, 27 Nov 2023 16:43:27 -0800
Subject: [PATCH] Temporarily split out BUSL table, which is breaking the PDF
 build for some reason

 busl-table.ltx  | 42 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 dosp-survey.ltx | 44 +-------------------------------------------
 2 files changed, 43 insertions(+), 43 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 busl-table.ltx

diff --git a/busl-table.ltx b/busl-table.ltx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e4e8079
--- /dev/null
+++ b/busl-table.ltx
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+\begin{longtable}[l]{l l l l l}
+\textbf{Project} & \textbf{BUSL date} & \textbf{Change Date} & \textbf{Change License} & \textbf{Reference} \\
+Akka & 2022-09-07 & rel. +3 years & Apache v2 & \otsurl{} \\
+ArangoDB & 2023-10-11 & rel. +4 years & Apache v2 & \otsurl{} \\
+ArcticDB & [always] & rel. +2 years & Apache v2 & [no ref] \\
+CockroachDB & 2019-06-04 & rel. +3 years & Apache v2 & \otsurl{\#bsl} \\
+CodeCov & 2023-08-02 & rel. +3 years & Apache v2 & \otsurl{} \\
+CouchBase & 2021-03-26 & rel. +4 years & Apache v2 & \otsurl{} \\
+DragonflyDB & 2022-05-29 & +5 years & Apache v2 & REF \\
+evitaDB & [always] & 4th cal. year & Apache v2 & [no ref] \\
+Materialize\footnote{Not to be confused with the Materialize CSS project, which is released under the MIT license.} & 2020-02-07 & daily +4 years\footnote{Differently from other BUSL-licensed projects, Materialize uses a bot to update the Change Date every day (not just on the occasion of release events), so that it always reflects a date exactly four years after the present date.} & Apache v2 & REF \\
+MaxScale & 2017-02-14 & rel. +4 years & GPL v2 & \otsurl{} \\
+Memgraph & 2021-10-03 & rel. +4 years & Apache v2 & REF \\
+ReadySet & 2022-08-03 & rel. +4 years & Apache v2 & REF \\
+Sentry\footnote{Sentry subsequently relicensed under its own ``Functional Source
+License''; see below for further discussion.} & 2019-11-06 & rel. +3 years & Apache v2 & REF \\
+SurrealDB & 2021-12-14 & rel. +4 years & Apache v2 & REF \\
+Terraform (etc.)\footnote{``HashiCorp Terraform, Packer, Vault, Boundary, Consul, Nomad, Waypoint, and Vagrant" are identified as relicensed by \otsurl{}.} & 2023-08-10 & rel. +4 years & MPL 2.0 & REF \\
+ZeroTier & 2019-08-28 & 5th cal. year & Apache v2 & REF \\
diff --git a/dosp-survey.ltx b/dosp-survey.ltx
index 4e81475..c212e9d 100644
--- a/dosp-survey.ltx
+++ b/dosp-survey.ltx
@@ -397,49 +397,7 @@ for making these comparisons.
 % use would be an AUG in the BUSL, in Sentry's draft FSL that's the
 % whole point of the license.
-% TODO Sort this table by date of BUSL adoption
-\begin{longtable}[l]{l l l l l}
-\textbf{Project} & \textbf{BUSL date} & \textbf{Change Date} & \textbf{Change License} & \textbf{Reference} \\
-Akka & 2022-09-07 & rel. +3 years & Apache v2 & \otsurl{} \\
-ArangoDB & 2023-10-11 & rel. +4 years & Apache v2 & \otsurl{} \\
-ArcticDB & [always] & rel. +2 years & Apache v2 & [no ref] \\
-CockroachDB & 2019-06-04 & rel. +3 years & Apache v2 & \otsurl{\#bsl} \\
-CodeCov & 2023-08-02 & rel. +3 years & Apache v2 & \otsurl{} \\
-CouchBase & 2021-03-26 & rel. +4 years & Apache v2 & \otsurl{} \\
-DragonflyDB & 2022-05-29 & +5 years & Apache v2 & REF \\
-evitaDB & [always] & 4th cal. year & Apache v2 & [no ref] \\
-Materialize\footnote{Not to be confused with the Materialize CSS project, which is released under the MIT license.} & 2020-02-07 & daily +4 years\footnote{Differently from other BUSL-licensed projects, Materialize uses a bot to update the Change Date every day (not just on the occasion of release events), so that it always reflects a date exactly four years after the present date.} & Apache v2 & REF \\
-MaxScale & 2017-02-14 & rel. +4 years & GPL v2 & \otsurl{} \\
-Memgraph & 2021-10-03 & rel. +4 years & Apache v2 & REF \\
-ReadySet & 2022-08-03 & rel. +4 years & Apache v2 & REF \\
-Sentry\footnote{Sentry subsequently relicensed under its own ``Functional Source
-License''; see below for further discussion.} & 2019-11-06 & rel. +3 years & Apache v2 & REF \\
-SurrealDB & 2021-12-14 & rel. +4 years & Apache v2 & REF \\
-Terraform (etc.)\footnote{``HashiCorp Terraform, Packer, Vault, Boundary, Consul, Nomad, Waypoint, and Vagrant" are identified as relicensed by \otsurl{}.} & 2023-08-10 & rel. +4 years & MPL 2.0 & REF \\
-ZeroTier & 2019-08-28 & 5th cal. year & Apache v2 & REF \\
+% TODO Re-insert the BUSL table (busl-table.ltx)!
 \subsection{Differences From Other Licensing Strategies}\label{differences}