diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..6c9540523bba1408792e62e7ba26338a497bfd6a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.gitignore
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
diff --git a/Makefile b/Makefile
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..f1fdb9da3a88d2ad6bcb6db2f0dafbac64a41a58
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Makefile
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+### The upstream master version of this Makefile lives here:
+### https://github.com/OpenTechStrategies/ots-doctools/blob/master/ext-Makefile
+### A copy of this Makefile will often be included in a document
+### source tree, because for people who build documents, it's very
+### convenient to just run 'make' or 'make some_document_name.pdf' and
+### have the desired thing happen.  This Makefile then just forwards
+### all the action to the much more sophisticated Makefile found at
+### ${OTS_DOCTOOLS_DIR}/Makefile.  Therefore, please try not to make
+### changes here; instead, put any improvements in the other Makefile.
+.PHONY: default check
+# The order of the rules below is important; change only with care.
+default: check
+	@make -s -f ${OTS_DOCTOOLS_DIR}/Makefile
+%: check
+	@make -s -f ${OTS_DOCTOOLS_DIR}/Makefile $@
+	@if [ "${OTS_DOCTOOLS_DIR}X" = "X" ]; then                            \
+           echo "";                                                           \
+           echo "ERROR: Your OTS_DOCTOOLS_DIR env var is not set up yet.";    \
+           echo "       Please see this repository for instructions:";        \
+           echo "       https://github.com/OpenTechStrategies/ots-doctools."; \
+           echo "";                                                           \
+           exit 1;                                                            \
+        fi
diff --git a/dosp-survey.ltx b/dosp-survey.ltx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..5158a8221f6be685fe23b93a5ea3ab3bbcb5731b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dosp-survey.ltx
@@ -0,0 +1,117 @@
+title: "Delayed Open Source Publication:\\\\A Survey of Past and Current Practices"
+date: TBD Nov 2023
+draft: true
+%% extends "report.ltx"
+\BLOCK{block preamble}
+\BLOCK{block body}
+  Seth Schoen, Karl Fogel, James Vasile
+\renewcommand*{\contentsname}{} % Get rid of "Contents" from top of TOC
+\addtocontents{toc}{\protect\thispagestyle{empty}} % no page numbers
+\numberedsection{Executive Summary}\label{executive-summary}
+\otsfirstterm{Delayed Open Source Publication} (DOSP) is the practice
+of distributing or publicly deploying software under a proprietary
+license at first, then subsequently --- and in a planned fashion ---
+publishing that software release's source code under an open source
+license.\footnote{Note that this definition deliberately does not
+  include \foreignphrase{ad hoc} or improvisatory open source releases
+  of formerly proprietary code.  For example, the 1998 release of the
+  Netscape Navigator source code, which through further development
+  eventually became Mozilla Firefox, is \emph{not} an example of DOSP.
+  This report is examines the history and effects of DOSP practiced as
+  a conscious strategy; the effect of unplanned and unpredicted open
+  source publication is also an interesting topic, but a separate
+  one.}
+Software produces have practiced DOSP throughout the history of free
+and open source software.\footnote{We use the terms ``free software''
+  and ``open source software'' synonymously throughout this report.}
+However, surveying this phenomenon at a high level, from its
+beginnings through today, shows some clear trends:
+\emph{TBD: Everything below is tentative, draft, still a
+  work-in-progress, etc.  Feel free to read and comment, but please do
+  not consider anything from this point on to reflect the settled
+  opinions of the authors nor of any organizations.}
+  \item The rise of the Business Source License (BUSL).
+    Use of BUSL is really taking off.
+    Deserves its own section --- see Section \ref{busl}.
+  \item  Delayed unconditional release.
+    Planned OSS releases with just a pre-defined time delay.
+  \item Delayed event-driven regular release.
+    OSS publication happens regularly, but is driven each time by some
+    regular event (e.g., the publication of the latest proprietary
+    version, which prompts the previous version to now be open
+    sourced).
+  \item Delayed conditional release.
+    "We'll publish this as open source as soon as we get funding" or
+    "as soon as we find the right non-profit home for it", etc.
+There are also post-hoc or unscheduled releases, where the authors
+didn't originally plan to release the software as open source but
+eventually decide to do so.  These aren't technically in scope, but we
+should give some examples somewhere --- maybe in a footnote or
+appendix --- just to make it clear that it's something that happens.
+\numberedsection{The Business Source License (BUSL)}\label{busl}
+TBD  Include BUSL's precursors here, e.g., TGPPL, maybe others?
+How long are the delay periods typically?
+What are the eventual OSS "destination" licenses are?
+See also the CC report about springing licenses (\ref{sources}).
+\numberedsection{Some Section}\label{some-section}
+\subsection{Some Subsection}\label{some-subsection}
+\numberedsection{Sources and References}\label{sources}
+\item \otscite{Creative Commons Final Report: On the Viability and
+    Development of Springing Licenses}\\
+  \otsurl{https://creativecommons.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/07/Springing-licenses-FINAL.pdf}